September 11: Things remembered, things forgotten

September 11: Things remembered, things forgotten

Special to By Michelle Malkin Remember. Forget. Repeat. For 17 years, America has engaged in a collective ritual every Sept. 11: Hang flags, light candles, bow heads and make vows to “Never forget.” Then, every Sept. 12, it’s back to business as usual: See something, do nothing. Did you remember that five of the […]

Newsworthy Trump vs deranged media monopolies: No contest

Newsworthy Trump vs deranged media monopolies: No contest

Special to By Stephen Moore This past week I asked a friend at the White House about how the president was holding up against the onslaught of media attacks. “They didn’t even deliver a glancing blow,” was the response. It wasn’t for a lack of trying. Has any president in modern times been the […]

‘Submission’: Beware the oppressive campus culture

‘Submission’: Beware the oppressive campus culture

Special to By Loredana Vuoto “Submission,” a recent movie about a professor who engages in sexual misconduct with a student, has been slammed by critics for its superficial portrayal of sexual harassment and the #MeToo Movement. But this latest Richard Levine movie has a far more scathing critique to make: the dangerous stranglehold political […]

Smearing DeSantis: Left’s media army has only one, lame line of attack

Smearing DeSantis: Left’s media army has only one, lame line of attack

Special to Dennis Prager To appreciate the level of dishonesty and societal harm the media, the Democratic Party and others on the Left engaged in last week regarding Congressman Ron DeSantis, one has to know exactly what DeSantis said. The day after he won the Republican primary for governor of Florida and Tallahassee Mayor […]

King’s dream: Just as relevant today as in 1963

King’s dream: Just as relevant today as in 1963

Special to By Star Parker We are approaching the 55th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered Aug. 28, 1963, in Washington, D.C. Reading through the speech, it’s hard not to be in awe, like those who stood and heard King then, by the greatness and truth […]

Leftism is only the latest in a series of failed secular religions

Leftism is only the latest in a series of failed secular religions

Special to Dennis Prager One of the most important books of the 20th century — it remains a best-seller 59 years after it was first published — is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. Marx saw man’s primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed — correctly, in […]

Time America put a stop to out-of-control prosecutors

Time America put a stop to out-of-control prosecutors

Special to By Michelle Malkin At this unique moment in American history, liberals and conservatives have something in common: an abhorrence of government prosecutors run amok. Republicans are livid at the federal fishing expedition known as the Mueller investigation. Bit players have been dragooned into an endlessly politicized probe. The media has taken sides; […]

A partial survey of not-so-shining Hollywood stars

A partial survey of not-so-shining Hollywood stars

Special to By Larry Elder During the 2016 presidential campaign, a man dressed like a construction worker, carrying a pickax, destroyed Donald Trump’s sidewalk star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce promptly replaced it. Just three weeks ago, a different man, presumably with a different pickax, also destroyed Trump’s […]

The theory of political relative relativity

The theory of political relative relativity

Special to By Michelle Malkin It’s quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others. Agenda-driven journalists love to exploit familial dysfunction when a prominent politician is conservative and his or her kinfolk espouse liberal views. When a vengeful offspring, sibling, cousin or distant relation wants to wreak havoc, instant fame and adoration […]

Two trillion dollar stories: What if there had been no Steve Jobs?

Two trillion dollar stories: What if there had been no Steve Jobs?

Special to By Star Parker Apple has become the first U.S. company in history to attain a trillion-dollar valuation. Here are a few thoughts about the relevance of this to our country today. The story of Apple is the story of Steve Jobs. He co-founded the company in 1976 at the age 21, was […]

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