UNREAL: The true tragedy of election night, 2016, has never been told until now

SATIRE: Special to WorldTribune, December 8, 2017

Many cried for Hillary when she lost the election that she already owned even before being nominated.

These same people think she was the main victim of that unthinkable outcome.

I’m here to tell you that the real loser of election 2016 never gets mentioned. It’s a heartbreaking story that shows just how inconsiderate and cynical our society has become.

I caught up with Obama’s teleprompter at the back booth of a dank but dusty bar in Utopia, Texas.

He had always been the true invisible man, the light had to be just right to glimpse his outlines. But he was the big story, the one that had never been written.

Nobody knew who Obama was, but they knew his teleprompter was brilliant. This entity, the teleprompter, was however an even bigger mystery that Barack himself.

That’s where I came in. Striding into that dive, I was excited. The exclusive of a lifetime. But I was not prepared for what I saw, or seemed to see.

He’s now a mere sliver of his former self.

To begin with, I was feeling down on my own luck. After all, the news business had in the past 3 months been swallowed whole by social media leaving working journalists like myself nowhere to go other than dank but bars in Utopia, Texas.

But I was an exercise in euphoria compared to the broken wretch sitting across the table. It wasn’t easy hearing his story.

To begin with, he said,  he had never gotten any credit. Obama took all the glory and then some.

“I was at the peak of my powers. I make that fool look brilliant day after night after day. He gave off sparks, he could say no wrong.

“And of course we all knew that Obama was not going to stop after he election. He promised me lifetime employment, even outside the White House, and said he would start giving me credit now that he only a shadow president. Money was not an issue. I had a handshake agreement with Bill Clinton. What could go wrong?”

Two things went wrong, as it happened: Donald Trump and Donald Trump.

Trump didn’t just win the election, he wrecked the cognitive matrix Obama’s teleprompter had helped erect. That was one thing. And it was a major deal for the teleprompter.

He glared with sheer bitterness. Or at least I think he did. It was dark back there.

“You have no idea how vast we were. We spanned the globe. We were synched in with the Europeans. The Asians and Muslims sneered, of course, but we were tapped into the banks, man. We were live-streamed into children’s minds. We were on top of the world.”

But I said there were two things, and the second thing was even worse. Trump was a better orator than Obama and there was absolutely nothing the teleprompter could do about it.

“The man is a maniac. He is on all the time. He is five steps ahead in rhetorical chess. Everything we had worked for over eight years was in free fall and we couldn’t get a word in edgewise,” he said in that unmistakable cadence of his.

Tears were sliding down sleek cheeks.

There was nothing I could say. I tried but could conjure up no hope for this broken … device sliding down in the seat across the table. I knew I had to break free or I would be sucked into his dark abyss, the vortex of despair. And there was no story. Who would believe it?

“I have no words,” I said.

Standing, I turned and headed for the door.

The 65 inch screen near the door lit up as I approached the exit with the latest tweet from Donald Trump: “Why would Kim Jong-Un insult me by calling me “old” when I would never call him short and fat?” The rednecks on their stools roared with laughter.

Behind me, I heard shrill curses.  I walked on out without looking back.

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