by WorldTribune Staff, February 12, 2019 Many millions of social media users at one time or another have posted something that someone, somewhere will be offended by. And, since the Internet is forever, you can bet an offense archaeologist is digging into it, particularly if you are a public figure. What is offense archaeology? According […]
by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2019 In the 1940s, Hollywood produced The Invisible Man, starring Claude Rains, and The Invisible Woman, starring Virginia Bruce. In the 21st Century, senior citizens are getting the invisible treatment from Tinseltown, some critics say. “Films have an impact on how our children view life, in general,” said Dan Weber, […]
by WorldTribune Staff, February 17, 2019 Looking for a high profile star for its new league, the Alliance of American Football (AAF) sought out Colin Kaepernick – but the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback’s asking price was too high. According to the Associated Press, Kaepernick wanted $20 million or more to consider playing with the […]
by WorldTribune Staff, February 4, 2019 In Disney’s Mary Poppins, character Bert/Mr. Dawes Sr. says: “Winds in the east, there’s a mist coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin.” What’s brewing, according to Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, a professor of English/Gender Studies/Shakespeare at Linfield College in Oregon, is that Mary Poppins, played by Dame Julie Andrews, […]
by WorldTribune Staff, February 3, 2019 For smokers looking to kick the habit, e-cigarettes are twice as effective as nicotine patches or gum in helping them get there, a new study says. The British study, reported last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that 18 percent of smokers who used vaping devices […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2019 The current state of health insurance and regulations in the United States has physicians so stressed that nearly half are considering changing careers while two-thirds would recommend against pursuing a career in medicine, a study found. The Aimed Alliance also found that nearly nine in ten doctors believe barriers […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 23, 2019 The Marine Corps caved to political correctness when it announced for the first time in history that a platoon of 50 enlisted female recruits would be housed and trained alongside five male platoons, a military watchdog group said. “Remember, these are very young green recruits. If you introduce gender […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 23, 2019 The Major League Baseball Hall of Fame announced four new members on Jan. 22. Mariano Rivera (100 percent of the vote), Edgar Martinez (85.4 percent), Roy Halladay (85.4 percent) and Mike Mussina (76.7 percent) all passed the 75 percent threshold needed in balloting from the baseball writers to be […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 21, 2019 Six hours of quality sleep per night is the minimum needed to help keep your heart healthy, according to a new study. Chronic lack of sleep and poor sleep quality raise the odds of fatty plaque accumulation in arteries – a condition known as atherosclerosis – which increases the odds of heart attack and stroke, according to the […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 18, 2019 A study of more than 1,000 obituaries from around the United States found that people with religious affiliations lived nearly four years longer than those with no religious ties. The researchers took into account gender and marital status, two factors that have strong effects on lifespan. The study examined […]