Are ISIL’s hooded monsters evil? We’re worse according to our own professors

Are ISIL’s hooded monsters evil? We’re worse according to our own professors

Special to By Mona Charen President Obama’s scolding of Western civilization at the National Prayer Breakfast (“Lest we get on our high horse…”) may go down in history as the emblematic moment of his presidency. It was atrociously ill timed and characteristically sophomoric. My colleague Jay Nordlinger observed that Obama sounded just like the […]

Graham: ‘The storm is coming’

Graham: ‘The storm is coming’

Special to The Islamic State beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians over the weekend, propping the severed heads on the victims’ backs, a barbaric slaughter that led Reverend Franklin Graham to ask, “Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians?” “Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world?” […]

Finally! A strategy to defeat terror: The ‘Jobs for Jihad Delinquents’ program

Finally! A strategy to defeat terror: The ‘Jobs for Jihad Delinquents’ program

Special to By Michelle Malkin At the White House Summit on Extremism That Shall Remain Unspecified Because Violent Followers Belonging To Unnamed Extremist Movement Might Take Extreme Offense And Act Extremely, the feds are touting a groundbreaking new strategy to fight terrorists. Just kidding. It’s actually the same old futile strategy that big-government liberals […]

There was also glib ‘happy talk’ when Hitler was building his war machine

There was also glib ‘happy talk’ when Hitler was building his war machine

Special to By Thomas Sowell When Alfred E. Neuman said “What me worry?” on the cover of Mad magazine, it was funny. But this message was not nearly as funny coming from President Barack Obama and his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice. In a musical comedy, it would be hilarious to have the president […]

Israel’s Strategic Threats Minister: U.S. conducting smear campaign

Israel’s Strategic Threats Minister: U.S. conducting smear campaign

[s2If !current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)] DOSSIER: Yuval Steinitz Israel’s Strategic Threats Minister: U.S. conducting smear campaign “In all my meetings with U.S. intelligence chiefs and the political officials who are responsible for them, I have not heard a single complaint about Israeli spying on the United States.” JERUSALEM — Israel has determined that allies of President Barack Obama […]

N. Korea cracks down on mobile phone use near China border: Revised criminal code condemns violators to gulags

N. Korea cracks down on mobile phone use near China border: Revised criminal code condemns violators to gulags

[s2If !current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)] N. Korea cracks down on mobile phone use near China border: Revised criminal code condemns violators to gulags INSIDE NORTH KOREA    By Lee Jong-Heon, May 14, 2014 SEOUL — North Koreans who speak by phone with South Koreans could get life sentences at remote political prison camps under the recently criminal code, sources said. […]