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In nearly 30 years of covering America’s corrupted immigration and entrance policies, I can tell you definitively that every “border crisis” is a manufactured crisis.
Caravans of Latin American illegal immigrants don’t just form out of nowhere. Throngs of Middle Eastern refugees don’t just amass spontaneously. Boatloads of Haitians don’t just wash up on our shores by random circumstance.

All the world’s a stage, and as I exposed in my most recent book, “Open Borders, Inc.,” the world’s migrants are nothing more than expedient tools to globalist elites, profit-maximizing corporations, self-aggrandizing religious and nonprofit groups, and criminal smuggling syndicates.
That’s how the so-called border crises under former Presidents Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all played out. The players are always the same: United Nations operatives, U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbyists, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and its sovereignty-undermining shelter operators around the world, Jewish and evangelical Christian refugee resettlement contractors, international drug cartels, human traffickers, and their militant multicultural abettors. It’s the same old, same old under President Joe Biden. The latest wave of Haitians traversing rough seas and barren deserts to trespass onto U.S. soil at our southern border in Del Rio, Texas, is no accidental phenomenon.
Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, has been interviewing Haitians at Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, the town through which an estimated 15,000 of these illegals have passed to form the massive encampment in Del Rio, Texas. Several dozen told Bensman that “on Sunday, Sept. 12, the Mexican government effectively sent a mass of migrants it had bottled up for months in its southern states up to the American border. This move, which appears to have been done under the cover of Mexico’s independence week of celebration known as El Grito, essentially foisted a humanitarian problem onto the Americans in a single week.”
Several Haitians told Bensman that government officials in Tapachula informed them they no longer needed passports or other paperwork they had been waiting months for — and then were suddenly given a three-day grace period to make their rush for the border.
Because Ciudad Acuna and Del Rio are not as infested with Mexican cartel enforcers, thousands of Haitians took advantage of the relatively safe passage into America’s promised land without having to pay the usual coyote fees.
Most have been lying in wait in Chile and Brazil for several years looking for better economic opportunities, so don’t believe sob-story propaganda that the prime factor has to do with any recent natural disaster or sudden political turmoil. Open-borders academic Andrew Selee of the Migration Policy Institute himself tweeted that “for those wondering about where Haitian migrants are coming from, most left Haiti in 2010-12 after the earthquake and settled in Brazil. … Later most moved to Chile & Ecuador. … This means that most of those arriving in Texas have been out of their country for about a decade. The Covid recession, discrimination, and the perception that they could get into the US now all played a role in the movement north over the past few months. … Both Colombia and Panama registered huge increases in transit through the Darien Gap in July/August suggesting significant movement north.”
Countless Catholic parishes, like the Franciscan parish in Necocli run by Father Henry Lopera, have facilitated Haitians’ migration through the Darien Gap and onto Mexico and the U.S. by supplying food packages. Doctors Without Borders has three health posts to assist the trespassers. Along the way, these Haitian invaders have also been assisted by the United Nations’ International Organization of Migration, which has dispatched minibuses filled with toiletries and hair ties, according to The Guardian.
As I reported in “Open Borders, Inc.,” the International Organization of Migration, or IOM, is the same agency that signed “cooperation agreements” in Mexico with three migrant shelters along its southern border to assist border-busting “irregulars” traveling through the Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca on their way to the U.S.
The IOM pact guaranteed supplies of medicine, hygiene products, construction materials, therapy services and legal training at the Hermanos en el Camino shelter, along with the Catholic-run Hogar de la Misericordia shelter and Jesus el Buen Pastor del Pobre y el Migrante shelter. IOM extended similar aid to nine other migrant shelters in the northern and central parts of Mexico, from Chihuahua, Sonora and Tamaulipas along the northern border to San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Tlaxcala in the center of the country.
Who’s paying? Funding for IOM’s operations comes from the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, which is subsidized by y-o-u.
The bozos in the Biden administration are now play-acting with their performative gestures of “mass deportation” of Haitians. But I’ve seen this show and all its reruns over the past three decades before. It ends with sneaky “temporary protected status” orders, mini-amnesties and maxi-amnesties to feed the global Open Borders, Inc. beast.
All the world’s a stage, and America is the overrun doormat being trampled upon while our own citizens suffer increasing deprivation and anarcho-tyranny. Ain’t “diversity” grand?
Michelle Malkin is a columnist for WorldTribune.com Her email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@protonmail.com.
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