Funny: Clearing up the confusion about the snowballing investigations
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Special to Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, May 17, 2017 Here’s what Trump is alleged to have done here vis-a-vis the Comey memo. Comey memo says that Trump asked him to let it go. Let the Flynn investigation go. I can hope you see your way to let this go. He didn’t do […]
Special to By Michelle Malkin Here is what happens if you try to tell health care stories that defy big government orthodoxy: When GOP Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois tried to recount how his wife, a nurse and colon cancer survivor, struggled in the nationalized Canadian health care system, liberal protesters responded by uttering […]
Special to By Stephen Moore Almost every promise made eight years ago about Obamacare turned out to be a falsehood. That is first and foremost why the law must be repealed. No, you couldn’t keep your insurance plan, doctor or provider in many cases. No, it didn’t save $2,500 per family (more like cost […]
Special to Dennis Prager In a recent column, I made the case that Americans are fighting the Second Civil War. The deep chasm that has opened up between the left — not liberals, the left — and the rest of the country is so wide and so unbridgeable that there is no other way […]
Special to By Stephen Moore For all the obsessing in Washington over income inequality, why isn’t there more outrage over government policies that exacerbate the problem? There are hundreds of programs that increase poverty in America. Last week, at the Heritage Foundation forum on this very topic, my colleagues exposed many of these programs. […]
Special to By Stephen Moore Everyone in Washington hates Donald Trump’s new budget. So it must have something going for it. This is a budget plan that will surgically remove trillions of dollars of wasteful spending from the obese $3.9 trillion federal budget. Many agencies will have to live with cuts of 5, 10 […]
Special to Dennis Prager All addictions — whether to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex or cigarettes — are very hard to escape. There is one addiction, however, that may be more difficult than any other to escape, in part because it is not even regarded as an addiction. It is entitlements addiction, the addiction to […]
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