Deep State to President Donald Trump: ‘We’re coming for you’

Deep State to President Donald Trump: ‘We’re coming for you’

Special to Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, March 20, 2017. RUSH: It has not stopped since the 16th of June in 2015, and every day Donald Trump is taking more incoming attacks. … Today, the latest pile on is occurring in congressional hearings. James Comey and Adm. Rogers from the National Security Agency […]

Take if from Europe: Give a red light to going green

Take if from Europe: Give a red light to going green

Special to By Stephen Moore If you listen to the media narrative on climate change and “clean energy,” you’d think that the rest of the world has moved smartly and seamlessly toward 21st century green energy while the U.S. is the high-polluting laggard that just won’t get with the program to save the planet. […]

4 percent growth? Sure, why not? Welcome to the golden age of productivity

4 percent growth? Sure, why not? Welcome to the golden age of productivity

Special to By Stephen Moore Imagine if in 1961 John F. Kennedy’s advisers had told him, “We will never put a man on the moon.” Or what if Ronald Reagan’s advisers had assured the Gipper, “The Cold War is unwinnable. We should sue for peace.” Actually, many naysayers told JFK and Reagan exactly these […]

Primary benefit of Fed red tape is the self esteem of unelected bureaucrats

Primary benefit of Fed red tape is the self esteem of unelected bureaucrats

Special to By Stephen Moore Last summer, at the first meeting of the Trump Leadership Council — an advisory group consisting of top CEOs from major companies — Donald Trump asked business leaders what their biggest problems were. I expected the answer to be America’s anti-growth tax system. Almost all the CEOs did list […]

Democrats are obsessed with power, not effective education

Democrats are obsessed with power, not effective education

Special to By Star Parker What is it about new Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos that so bothers Democrats that not a single Democratic Senator voted to confirm her, requiring Vice President Mike Pence to cast the deciding vote? You would think, after years of Washington pumping tens of billions of taxpayer funds into […]

Disarray? Let’s remind the big media about Obama’s first 100 days

Disarray? Let’s remind the big media about Obama’s first 100 days

Special to By Michelle Malkin The resignation of national security advisor Michael Flynn has the anti-Trump media declaring the new administration a “mess,” in “turmoil” and thrown into “chaos.” Funny, these same Chicken Littles barely shrugged their shoulders during the turmoil-laden first 100 days of Barack Obama’s first term. Some perspective is in order. […]

End the foreign-aid racket. Now

End the foreign-aid racket. Now

Special to By Stephen Moore Donald Trump’s wise and humanitarian move to reinstate the Reagan-era “Mexico City policy,” which prohibits U.S. foreign-aid dollars from going to non-government organizations that perform or provide referrals for abortions, has incited a torrent of liberal outrage. Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire seethed that the edict “(favors) […]

From Obama’s ‘tooth fairy’ stimulus plan to Trump’s transfer of $10 trillion to the real economy

From Obama’s ‘tooth fairy’ stimulus plan to Trump’s transfer of $10 trillion to the real economy

Special to By Stephen Moore All of Washington seems to be in cardiac arrest over news reports late last week that Donald Trump is planning a budget featuring $10 trillion in cuts over the next decade. We can only hope and pray that the reports are accurate. This is an enterprise that has been […]

Six black men testified about Sen. Sessions, three who know him and three who do not

Six black men testified about Sen. Sessions, three who know him and three who do not

Special to By Star Parker The confirmation hearings of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, provided plenty of drama that can help explain why racial tensions never seem to go away in America. This was particularly evident in the concluding panel of the hearings, which consisted of six black men, […]

Limbaugh interviews Gertz: Welcome to the Information War which the U.S. is losing

Limbaugh interviews Gertz: Welcome to the Information War which the U.S. is losing

Special to RUSH: As somebody who knows about cyber wars and cyber security, how do you, Bill Gertz…? How do you process this stuff? How do you react to it? ‘Cause you know whether some of this stuff is true, legitimate or not. So how do you deal with it yourself? GERTZ: Yeah. This […]

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