‘Senseless acts’ of journalistic violence: Don’t trust NY Times logic with your life

‘Senseless acts’ of journalistic violence: Don’t trust NY Times logic with your life

Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell Sometimes someone inadvertently performs a public service by bringing an unbelievably stupid and dangerous idea to the surface, where it can be exposed for what it is. The New York Times can be credited — if that is the word — with performing this public service in a recent […]

And now, joining the ranks of the non-fake-news team at CNN . . . Van Jones

And now, joining the ranks of the non-fake-news team at CNN . . . Van Jones

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin They never learn. The grand journalism pooh-bahs at CNN were humiliated this election cycle when WikiLeaks revealed that former CNN contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile had shared a question with the Hillary Clinton campaign in advance of a March Democratic primary town hall debate. According to CNN, […]

How’s life in the ‘progressive’ states? Like Syria, migration is in vogue

How’s life in the ‘progressive’ states? Like Syria, migration is in vogue

Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore The blue states of America are in a depression. I don’t mean the collective funk of liberal voters because they lost the election to Donald Trump. I’m talking about an economic malaise in the blue states that went for Hillary Clinton. Here is an amazing statistic courtesy of the […]

GOP cold shower: Trump destroyed 2 dynasties, revived Reagan Democrat ‘deplorables’

GOP cold shower: Trump destroyed 2 dynasties, revived Reagan Democrat ‘deplorables’

Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore I stirred up some controversy last week when I told a conference of several dozen House Republicans that the GOP is now officially a Trump-working-class party. For better or worse, I said at the gathering inside the Capitol dome, the baton has now officially been passed from the Reagan […]

10 reasons why members of the Left sever even their family ties

10 reasons why members of the Left sever even their family ties

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Many Hillary Clinton voters have ceased communicating with friends, and even family members, who voted for Donald Trump. It is so common that The New York Times published a front-page article on the subject headlined, “Political Divide Splits Relationships — and Thanksgiving, Too.” The article begins with three stories: “Matthew […]

As ‘Kill-Trump’ mania sweeps the nation, the president and his media are silent

As ‘Kill-Trump’ mania sweeps the nation, the president and his media are silent

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Alert the CDC: Left-wing America has been overcome by another contagious epidemic of assassination fascination. It’s time to declare a public health crisis. In San Antonio last week, two high school students performed a sicko skit depicting the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump. In Cleveland, unhinged 24-year-old Zachary Benson […]

For those who don’t remember the Reagan years, yes economic growth will double and why not?

For those who don’t remember the Reagan years, yes economic growth will double and why not?

Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore When Donald Trump said last week that he will double the American growth rate, his skeptics scoffed. The Left doesn’t think 4 percent growth is possible, because they never came close to that target under Barack Obama. But there’s no law of nature or economics that says America is […]

No slacker left behind? Please give working Americans a break

No slacker left behind? Please give working Americans a break

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin News flash, kids: Things aren’t free. Things cost money. And “free” things provided to you by the government cost other people’s money. Donald Trump gets it — somewhat. He vows to repeal Obamacare’s most burdensome federal mandates that are jacking up the price of private health insurance. But he […]

How about some post-election introspection from the DNC, the RNC? . . . Sigh

How about some post-election introspection from the DNC, the RNC? . . . Sigh

Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell The good news is that we dodged a bullet in this election. The bad news is that we don’t know how many other bullets are coming, or from what direction. A Hillary Clinton victory would have meant a third consecutive administration dedicated to dismantling the institutions that have kept […]

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