Michelle Malkin rolls the View, slams Joy Behar
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Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hannibal Lecter. Freddy Kreuger. Jason Voorhees. Charles Manson. Jeffrey Dahmer. Ted Bundy. Hollywood loves a homicidal monster. But what happens when an evil being exposes the monstrosities of malign government neglect and deadly ideology? Crickets. Tinseltown couldn’t conjure a bigger nightmare than true-life Philadelphia serial killer Kermit Gosnell. He […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hollywood is sick, sick, sick. Behind its curtain of holier-than-thou progressivism, the entertainment world’s top A-list stars have engaged in the most depraved sexual abuse against vulnerable children and teens, according to a growing number of victims. After years of cover-up, the institutional scandal is exploding. Finally. The latest […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin The Obama administration doesn’t have watchdogs. It has whitewash puppies. The president’s Chicago bullies have de-fanged true advocates for integrity in government in D.C. from day one. So the latest report by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Operations Committee on corruptocrat Charles K. Edwards, the former Department of […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin I’ve always thought entrenched left-wing journalists in Washington needed their heads examined. Much to my satisfaction, it appears the corporate media bosses of at least one Beltway anchor now agree. According to The Washington Post this week, NBC News hired a “psychological consultant” to examine why flailing “Meet the […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Zeituni Onyango, President Obama’s illegal alien aunt, died this week of cancer and other complications. I hope she rests in peace. America, however, should be up in arms. Auntie Zeituni is an enduring symbol of all that is wrong with this country’s immigration “policy” — or rather, its complete […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin I have created a new species designation for the female Democrats who play hypocritical gender politics on behalf of Barack Obama. They’re genderhawks. You remember the term “chickenhawk,” don’t you? During the Bush years, anti-war activists and journalists hurled the ad hominem epithet at anyone who supported military action […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Question: Who are the most prominent public purveyors of Asian stereotypes and ethnic language-mocking in America? The right answer is liberal Hollywood and Democrats. The wrong and slanderous answer is conservatives, which is what liberal performance artist/illegal-alien-amnesty lobbyist Stephen Colbert wants Americans to believe. Last week on his Comedy […]
BY MICHELLE MALKIN At the end of 2013, Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz had some nasty words for yours truly. Irked that I used my Twitter feed to criticize her Obamacare propaganda efforts, Wasserman Schultz snarked back at me: “Thanks for spreading the word! You’ll be eating them next year. #GetCovered.” Classy as always. And […]