Special to WorldTribune.com By Bill Federer, September 5, 2021 [Excerpts from ‘Change to Chains – How Republics and Democracies Rise and Fall’] Plagues Rome was weakened by the devastating pandemics: The Antonine Plague (165-180 AD), which killed an estimated 5 million people, including Emperors Lucius Verus; The Plague of Cyprian (249-252 AD), which killed up […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Parents, beware. The dominion you have over your own children is under attack like never before. Teenage puppets for Big Pharma are being deployed on the ground and across social media airwaves to convince their peers to inject themselves with experimental drugs to allegedly prevent a disease for which […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager I wrote about the moral, diplomatic, international and American tragedy of abandoning Afghanistan a few months ago, so here I will address only the comment by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on ABC’s “This Week” — and what it says about our country. Commenting on the American helicopters picking up […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager In my last column, I published comments written by New York Times subscribers about how proud they were of their children for deciding not to have children of their own. Though they acknowledged how much they ached to be grandparents, they nevertheless reveled in the fact that this would never […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager This past weekend, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd added another column to the myriad irrational and hysterical pieces about the “existential threat” climate change allegedly poses to human life. As I do after almost every piece I read on the internet, I read comments submitted by readers. One provided […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin It seems there’s no sanctuary from draconian mask and vaccine mandates. You can’t get on a plane, go to school, work at a hospital, perform onstage, compete in sports, exercise at a gym, worship in church or walk outside without the long shadows of Big Pharma and the COVID-19 […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager How many examples could one give to show what a sick world left-wing activists, the media and the Democrats — the Left’s political party — have wrought? The number is equal to the number of policies they advocate. There is no more obvious example than their position on the display […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Some think tank or polling organization should ask 1,000 Americans: What is the best thing most Americans can do to make the country better? Presumably, those most influenced by their schooling and by the media would answer something along the lines of: “fight racism” or “work to reduce inequality.” Whatever […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. “Safetyism,” as it is sometimes called, like all religions, places what it values — in this case, being safe — above other values. Safetyism explains the willingness of Americans to give up their most cherished values — including liberty […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin There is a silent epidemic in this country claiming the lives and property of untold numbers of innocent elderly and disabled Americans. It has nothing to do with exotic viruses. In fact, it’s a homegrown phenomenon involving corrupt elected officials, judges and lawyers. The deadly disease running rampant in […]