Seeing good and evil as black and white

Seeing good and evil as black and white

Special to By Dennis Prager When Americans over the age of, let us say, 45, look at any of the iconic paintings of America’s Founders — the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the signing of the Constitution, George Washington crossing the Delaware, any of the individual portraits of the Founders — what do […]

Why it’s too early to say Left won the Culture War

Why it’s too early to say Left won the Culture War

Special to 1. While judges are legalizing gay marriage, Christianity is making a major comeback in the free market of entertainment. 2. While pot is being legalized in a few states, the pro-abortion movement is on its heels in a majority of states and in opinion polls. 3. While television shows become more sex-driven, […]

The one-party propaganda war on statistics and common sense

The one-party propaganda war on statistics and common sense

Special to By Thomas Sowell The “war on women” political slogan is in fact a war against common sense. It is a statistical fraud when Barack Obama and other politicians say that women earn only 77 percent of what men earn — and that this is because of discrimination. It would certainly be discrimination […]

What the totalitarian left has done in the past two weeks alone

What the totalitarian left has done in the past two weeks alone

Special to By Dennis Prager In his column last week, Charles Krauthammer crossed a line. He declared the American Left totalitarian. He is correct. Totalitarianism is written into the left’s DNA. Krauthammer wrote about a left-wing petition “bearing more than 110,000 signatures delivered to the [Washington] Post demanding a ban on any article questioning […]

Dear Mr. Colbert: Me so stupid. You so funny!

Dear Mr. Colbert: Me so stupid. You so funny!

Special to By Michelle Malkin Question: Who are the most prominent public purveyors of Asian stereotypes and ethnic language-mocking in America? The right answer is liberal Hollywood and Democrats. The wrong and slanderous answer is conservatives, which is what liberal performance artist/illegal-alien-amnesty lobbyist Stephen Colbert wants Americans to believe. Last week on his Comedy […]