Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. “Safetyism,” as it is sometimes called, like all religions, places what it values — in this case, being safe — above other values. Safetyism explains the willingness of Americans to give up their most cherished values — including liberty […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager If America is systemically racist, why have millions of blacks from Africa and the Caribbean come to this country over the past 50 years? Why would they and many millions more want to move from all-black societies to a white-dominated, racist one? This is a question every black and white […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I/we do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country’s major institutions? There is an answer. The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America — against its freedoms, […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager If you’ve seen videos of recent attacks on Jews in New York City, Los Angeles, London and elsewhere, you may have missed a very revealing aspect of those attacks. They were almost always — as they have been for decades — accompanied by curses such as, “F—- the Jews.” Now, […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager America is going through convulsions that may destroy it as the country we and the world have known for more than two centuries. For all its flaws — virtually all of which were not unique to America but universal throughout human civilization — America has been regarded more than any […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Just as physicists look for equations to explain the natural world, I have always thought it useful to look for equations to explain human nature. For example, in my book on happiness, I offer this equation: U = I – R. Unhappiness = Image – Reality. The difference between the […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager [Following is the transcript of the following Prager U video: https://www.prageru.com/video/is-communism-moral/] Motives are much less important than behavior. We all know this: If someone has good intentions, but treats people badly, those good intentions mean nothing. As it is with individuals, so it is with governments. Capitalism might sound less […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager When I see people walking outside, often alone with no one anywhere near them, wearing a mask, my primary reactions are disappointment and sadness. I am disappointed because I expected better from my fellow Americans. I never thought most Americans would be governed by irrational fears and unquestioning obedience to […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Conservatives often speak of Judeo-Christian values and how the current civil war in the United States and the rest of the West is essentially a battle between those values and the Left, which rejects Judeo-Christian values. They are right. But they rarely explain what Judeo-Christian values are. Yet, without an […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager If you rely on The New York Times, the Democratic Party or CNN — they are interchangeable — for your perception of reality, you now believe America is reeling from the latest expression of white supremacy: Anti-Asian racism. It is a lie, the purpose of which is to: a) Further […]