Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As there is too much to say in the space of one column, I will simply offer some thoughts on the state of the country a week after the 2020 elections. No. 1: While I am not certain the reported election results are dishonest, I suspect they are. Worse, about […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager One way in which today’s presidential election can be summarized is this: It is a contest between those who hate Donald Trump and those who hate the Left (as I always point out, I am referring to the Left, not to liberals or liberalism). This is so accurate an assessment […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager There are conservatives who lie, and there are liberals who lie, but both conservatism and liberalism hold truth to be a supreme value. This is not true for leftism. Truth is simply not a left-wing value. Lying is to the Left what breathing is to biological life. That is why […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager “I vote for the man (or woman), not the party” is what millions of Americans say and what, in fact, many do. It is intended as a noble sentiment: “I am not one of those Americans who votes blindly by party; I measure each candidate and then decide which one […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Yesterday was Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. It is meant to be a time of intense self-examination. In light of that, I offer this column. The question I receive more than any other from non-Jews is: Why are so many Jews on the left? Before addressing […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager A few months ago, I noticed that my published column spelled “black” “Black.” As I had submitted the column with “black” spelled with a lower case “b,” I contacted my editor to find out why what I had written was changed. She responded that the syndicate was following the Associated […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As long ago as the 1970s, I came to a major realization. While watching fellow students at Columbia University demonstrate not just against the war in Vietnam but against America — “Amerika,” as many spelled it, the “imperialist,” “colonialist,” “mass-murdering” country — I kept wondering what made these people so […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Four months ago, I wrote a column titled “The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History.” I explained that “‘mistake’ and ‘evil’ are not synonyms. The lockdown is a mistake; the Holocaust, slavery, communism, fascism, etc., were evils. Massive mistakes are made by arrogant fools; massive evils are […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, I announced on my national radio show that, “While I did not vote for Barack Obama, he is my president, and I wish him well.” I added that I was delighted a black man had been elected president of the […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager More than two years ago, I wrote a column titled “Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins.” I listed eight examples: — The universities. — The arts: music, art and architecture. — Sports. — Mainstream Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism. — Race relations. — Women’s happiness. — Children’s innocence. — And, perhaps […]