Special to WorldTribune.com A new report from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan group, asserts that the Obama administration is turning a blind eye to persecution of Christians by Muslims in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, as well as persecution of Christians in North Korea. … The worst 16 countries that […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hannibal Lecter. Freddy Kreuger. Jason Voorhees. Charles Manson. Jeffrey Dahmer. Ted Bundy. Hollywood loves a homicidal monster. But what happens when an evil being exposes the monstrosities of malign government neglect and deadly ideology? Crickets. Tinseltown couldn’t conjure a bigger nightmare than true-life Philadelphia serial killer Kermit Gosnell. He […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hollywood is sick, sick, sick. Behind its curtain of holier-than-thou progressivism, the entertainment world’s top A-list stars have engaged in the most depraved sexual abuse against vulnerable children and teens, according to a growing number of victims. After years of cover-up, the institutional scandal is exploding. Finally. The latest […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Officials at Broward County Public Schools banned a fifth grader from reading the Bible during “free reading” time, according to lawyers from the Liberty Institute who are threatening to sue the school for violating the First Amendment. Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell If you want to get some idea of the moral bankruptcy of our educational system, read an article in the May 4th issue of the New York Times Magazine titled, “The Tale of Two Schools.” The article is not about moral bankruptcy. But it is itself an example of […]
Special to WorldTribune.com God-based movies are thriving at the box office because “people are looking for real hope and real change,” [Kevin Sorbo told Glenn Beck Thursday]. “Hollywood just thinks it’s New York and L.A., that’s all that exists,” he said.“There are a bunch of states in between with a lot of people that have […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Dennis Prager A private recording of racist remarks by the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, in a telephone conversation was released last week. Among other comments, Sterling said to his former mistress, a black Mexican woman known as V. Stiviano: “It bothers me a lot that you want […]