Just say no to Nanny Bloomberg

Just say no to Nanny Bloomberg

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin No matter how politically fractured the nation may seem, I believe that liberty-loving citizens of all ideologies can unite and agree: Billionaire Nanny Michael Bloomberg — the soda-taxing, gun-grabbing, snack-attacking control freak — should keep his nose out of our lives and out of the 2020 presidential race. On […]

How to vote: Letter to the editor

How to vote: Letter to the editor

Special to WorldTribune, November 1, 2018 The following letter to the editor was published in the Hendersonville, NC Times News on Oct. 29. With the upcoming mid-term elections and, in fact all elections, as a patriotic American, I urge everyone to please keep the following in mind: IF:  You like mob rule, vote Democrat; Like […]

The story behind the movie you have heard nothing about

The story behind the movie you have heard nothing about

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin It’s here. “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” debuts in theaters nationwide on Oct. 12. I do believe this groundbreaking film by indie producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney is the most important movie in America right now — a true-life saga of good vs. evil, deadly […]

‘Submission’: Beware the oppressive campus culture

‘Submission’: Beware the oppressive campus culture

Special to WorldTribune.com By Loredana Vuoto “Submission,” a recent movie about a professor who engages in sexual misconduct with a student, has been slammed by critics for its superficial portrayal of sexual harassment and the #MeToo Movement. But this latest Richard Levine movie has a far more scathing critique to make: the dangerous stranglehold political […]

A partial survey of not-so-shining Hollywood stars

A partial survey of not-so-shining Hollywood stars

Special to WorldTribune.com By Larry Elder During the 2016 presidential campaign, a man dressed like a construction worker, carrying a pickax, destroyed Donald Trump’s sidewalk star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce promptly replaced it. Just three weeks ago, a different man, presumably with a different pickax, also destroyed Trump’s […]

There she goes, Miss America . . . The Left’s rampage continues

There she goes, Miss America . . . The Left’s rampage continues

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As I have documented repeatedly, the Left ruins just about everything it touches: the universities, the arts, the elementary schools and high schools, religion, sports and ordinary, everyday interactions between human beings — especially human beings of different races. The latest examples — in just the last few weeks — […]

‘Don’t be evil’? New slogan for Google ingrates is ‘Don’t fight evil’

‘Don’t be evil’? New slogan for Google ingrates is ‘Don’t fight evil’

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager The original slogan of Google was “Don’t be evil.” When Google changed its corporate name to Alphabet in 2015, it changed the slogan to “Do the right thing.” If it were to be true to its values, Google should have changed its slogan from “Don’t be evil” to “Don’t fight […]

My hairdresser in Colorado Springs: A tale of two Americas

My hairdresser in Colorado Springs: A tale of two Americas

COLORADO SPRINGS – My hairdresser may well be the canary in the mind-shaft, politically. Special to WorldTribune.com By Karen Hagestad Cacy, Fairfax Free Citizen She performs miracles in hairdressing—extensions, the perfect blond highlights, and haircuts that are subtle and effective. She wears silver jewelry including a belt festooned with bullets. Clients hear her cell phone […]

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