Testing America: Then and now
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Special to WorldTribune.com By Star Parker The muted reaction of leading Democratic politicians to the elimination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani reinforces my sense of what divides our country and differentiates the two parties. One part of America still believes that there is good and evil, and one part doesn’t. The American Left, whose […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Star Parker America’s founders demonstrated that government is art, not science. The secret is in balance. Biennial congressional elections strike the right balance for the need for stability with the need for change. Midterm elections take place with the continuity of a sitting president. Whoever is in the White House will […]
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Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Here is a radical proposition: The public has a right to know the immigration status and history of foreign criminal suspects. Their entrance and employment sponsorship records should not be treated like classified government secrets — especially if the public’s tax dollars subsidized their salaries. In March, I contacted […]
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