Special to WorldTribune.com By Jose A. Rodriguez Jr. … a 31-year veteran of the CIA. He is the author of “Hard Measures: How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives.” The men and women of my former organization, the CIA, are accustomed to frequent and sudden reversals of direction from their political leaders. But […]
Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today issued the following statement regarding funding proposals that are being considered by Republicans in the House: “This November’s election was a referendum on executive amnesty, and the American people overwhelmingly oppose President Obama’s illegal amnesty. Republicans in Congress should use every tool […]
C. Edmund Wright, American Thinker Inside Washington, the Republican establishment — and everyone else in the beltway to Manhattan media bubble for that matter — is still obsessed with the few days of shutdown late last year. They are all convinced that it did great damage to the Republican Party, and moreover, will do so […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen A prayer has been answered — not for a massive Republican victory at the polls, though that, too. No, I’m thinking of the perennial prayer of losers: “Oh Lord, let my enemies go too far.” The results of the 2014 midterms will be chewed over for weeks and months. […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Gird your loins, Beltway Republicans. Election Day is barely over, but the progressive left is locked and loaded for battle over President Obama’s next U.S. attorney general. Liberals unhappy with the administration’s failure to deliver a mass illegal alien amnesty fast enough want a consolation prize. The Congressional Hispanic […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell One of the biggest voter frauds may be the idea promoted by Attorney General Eric Holder and others that there is no voter fraud, that laws requiring voters to have a photo identification are just attempts to suppress black voting. Reporter John Fund has written three books on voter […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Everything you need to know about Beltway nepotism, corporate cronyism and corruption can be found in the biography of Robert Hunter Biden. Where are the Occupy Wall Street rabble-rousers and enemies of elitist privilege when you need them? Straining their neck muscles to look the other way. The youngest […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen Voters are souring on the Democratic Party. Apparently, all it takes are six years of economic torpor; the disastrous debut of the biggest new federal program in two generations; record levels of federal debt; revelations of scandals and malfeasance at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Internal Revenue Service, […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager There is a noble-sounding attitude that many Americans hold regarding whom they vote for. “I vote for the candidate,” they say. It sure sounds good. Voting for the best candidate, rather than the party, sounds as American as apple pie. But as the Democratic Party has become a doctrinaire left-wing […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen The median American household saw its net worth decline by 36 percent during the Great Recession. That is a hard reality. A Republican held the White House when the crash hit, and voters, in no mood to be charitable, blamed the GOP. Besides, Democrats were ready with an explanation […]