Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager In a recent “Fireside Chat,” my weekly talk show on the PragerU platform, I commented on society’s increasing fixation on being “safe.” The following is a condensed version of what I said: We have a meme up at PragerU: “‘Until it’s safe’ means ‘never.’” The pursuit of “safe” over virtually […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager All my life, I have dismissed paranoids on the right (“America is headed to communism”) and the left (“It can happen here” — referring to fascism). It’s not that I’ve ever believed liberty was guaranteed. Being familiar with history and a pessimist regarding the human condition, I never believed that. […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager If there is one thing on which you’d think left and right could agree, it would be the proper response to the present coronavirus. After all, COVID-19 doesn’t distinguish between left and right: Conservatives and liberals are just as likely to contract and even die from it. Yet, it’s amazing […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As of this writing, 6,400 people all over the world have died from the coronavirus. In the United States, 68 people have died. Some perspective: Chinese deaths (3,217) account for half of the worldwide total. If you add Italy (1,441) and Iran (724), two countries where many Chinese were allowed […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin I think I’m where most sane people are on the coronavirus outbreak: —Concerned but not panicked. —Calm but not apathetic. —Taking reasonable precautions but remaining skeptical of what all the purportedly “best experts” here in the United States are telling us about every aspect of their belated crisis management […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager We go from hysteria to hysteria. And even that’s not quite accurate. We now endure multiple hysterias at once. The latest, of course, is COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus. In addition to China, where the virus originated, major cities in Italy and Japan are in lockdown mode, and Japan […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Larry Elder After Richard Nixon’s landslide 1972 victory over Democratic opponent George McGovern, New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael gave a speech in which she said: “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my […]