Funny: Clearing up the confusion about the snowballing investigations
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Special to Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, May 17, 2017 Here’s what Trump is alleged to have done here vis-a-vis the Comey memo. Comey memo says that Trump asked him to let it go. Let the Flynn investigation go. I can hope you see your way to let this go. He didn’t do […]
Special to By Stephen Moore Almost every promise made eight years ago about Obamacare turned out to be a falsehood. That is first and foremost why the law must be repealed. No, you couldn’t keep your insurance plan, doctor or provider in many cases. No, it didn’t save $2,500 per family (more like cost […]
Special to Dennis Prager All addictions — whether to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex or cigarettes — are very hard to escape. There is one addiction, however, that may be more difficult than any other to escape, in part because it is not even regarded as an addiction. It is entitlements addiction, the addiction to […]
Special to By Michelle Malkin If FBI agents have time to track down Tom Brady’s stolen Super Bowl jerseys, why can’t they bring back AWOL convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur? It is time for one of the agency’s most wanted women in the world to pay her dues. And President Trump is just the man […]
Special to Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, March 20, 2017. RUSH: It has not stopped since the 16th of June in 2015, and every day Donald Trump is taking more incoming attacks. … Today, the latest pile on is occurring in congressional hearings. James Comey and Adm. Rogers from the National Security Agency […]
Special to By Stephen Moore If you listen to the media narrative on climate change and “clean energy,” you’d think that the rest of the world has moved smartly and seamlessly toward 21st century green energy while the U.S. is the high-polluting laggard that just won’t get with the program to save the planet. […]
Special to By Stephen Moore Imagine if in 1961 John F. Kennedy’s advisers had told him, “We will never put a man on the moon.” Or what if Ronald Reagan’s advisers had assured the Gipper, “The Cold War is unwinnable. We should sue for peace.” Actually, many naysayers told JFK and Reagan exactly these […]
Special to The following are President Trump’s prepared remarks for his address to a joint session of Congress. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and Citizens of America: Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of […]
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