Special to WorldTribune.com
Because of climate change.

You read that right. Better not to have grandchildren than to have grandchildren who will suffer and quite possibly die because of global warming.
- Narcissism: Many Americans were raised to believe they have innumerable rights but few obligations.
- Radical secularism: The belief that one is commanded to “Honor your father and mother” has died along with other core Judeo-Christian values.
- Naivete about life: Many Americans — especially among the religion-free and the well-educated — think life is supposed to be pain-free. And when it isn’t, it is someone else’s fault (usually parents or white people).
- Incompetent psychotherapists: If most psychotherapists were ineffectual, their patients would only be wasting their money. But many are not merely ineffectual; they do harm. Every time I speak to a parent whose child refuses to communicate with them, I ask the parent if their child discussed this issue with his or her therapist. Nearly always, the answer is yes. And nearly always, the therapist encouraged the patient in their decision to sever relations with their parents.
Now, back to Brooks’ article. I once again read what New York Times subscribers had to say, this time about “What’s Ripping American Families Apart?”
Like the Times readers who wrote about their pride in not becoming grandparents — their child having decided not to have children because of climate change — I again encountered derangement among New York Times readers.
That virtually no Times reader took issue — let alone judged — the sons and daughters who removed themselves from their parents’ lives was bad enough. What pushed the responses into the mentally unbalanced category was that many readers actually explained these life-crushing decisions by blaming capitalism, poverty, former President Donald Trump and, believe it or not, climate change.
Of the scores of examples, here are a few:
- Peter, Chicago: “That’s what global capitalism does best. Social destruction.”
- Boone, Wild West: “My wife is estranged from four of her five siblings, and it’s totally due to Trump, who they continue to support, which is simply inexcusable. I totally agree.”
- Susan T., Brooklyn, New York: “Fox and Trump are the main reasons for estrangement at this time.”
- Mike, Fort Smith, Arkansas: “Trump and Fox News created an entire generation of crazy people who nobody can relate to.”
- Yog_Sothoth, USA: “Poverty is ripping families apart. It isn’t complicated.”
- SB, New York: “If my mother or father became a murderer, terrorist, (or a) Republican … would I still love my parent. Here the answer is less sure.”
- Tubbercurry, USA: “Please Mr. Brooks, educate yourself about this climate crisis.”
- GBR, New England: “In the past several years, my view of them (my parents) as people dramatically changed. Can you guess what did it? His initials are DJT. Sometimes one can have loving parents who treated you well, advocated for you, gave you opportunities, encouragement, and support … but who are just not good people when viewed with an adult … “
- Thomas Zaslavsky, Binghamton, New York: “What’s Ripping American Families Apart? Lack of decent jobs, or any jobs. The correlation is too strong to ignore.”
- RP, California: “Feminism freed women from being dependent on men, and we celebrate that … Let’s celebrate that no one is bound to anyone who causes them pain.”
If you want to know how the Left has screwed with people’s minds, hearts and consciences, just read the comments sections accompanying New York Times articles.
Then read comments accompanying Wall Street Journal articles. You may not agree with them, but you will encounter nothing so comparably irrational or mean, let alone deranged.
Dennis Prager is a columnist for WorldTribune.com. He is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His second volume of Bible commentary, “The Rational Bible — Genesis: God, Creation, Destruction,” is published by Regnery. He is the founder of PragerUniversity.com and may be contacted at dennisprager.com.
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