Special to WorldTribune.com A Middle Eastern Christian community has demanded that immigration officials release 20 Iraqi Christian refugees being held at a detention center in California. … “It is important to understand that the State Department ended all processing for religious minorities out of Iraq, so there is no legal way for an individual to […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Asra Q. Nomani and Hala Arafa, The Daily Beast At the White House summit on “countering violent extremism,” President Obama declared that violent jihad in the name of Islam isn’t the work of “religious leaders” but rather “terrorists.” American-Muslim leaders, attending the summit, cheered and applauded, later taking selfies in front […]
C. Edmund Wright, American Thinker So Karl Rove was involved in a cover-up. Well, leave it to Karl — the “boy genius” and the “architect” — to orchestrate a cover-up that actually hides information exculpatory to his President and his party. He did just that on the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon The Obama administration is failing to wage ideological war against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) terrorists over fears that attacking its religious philosophy will violate the constitutional divide between church and state, according to an in-depth inquiry by the Washington Free Beacon. […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell Some pundits are saying that President Obama has been floundering in his response to the ISIS crisis because public opinion polls show most Americans don’t want another war. In all my 84 years, I cannot recall a time when most Americans wanted war. That is something we should be […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Dennis Prager President Obama declared in his recent address to the nation that “ISIL is not Islamic.” But how does he know? On what basis did the president of the United States declare the a group of Muslims that calls itself “Islamic State” “not Islamic”? Has he studied Islam and Islamic […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Bill Gertz, Inside the Ring, Washington Times Behind the scenes of the U.S. military preparations for airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against the Al Qaida offshoot terrorist group Islamic State [of Iraq and Levant}, the CIA is gearing up for new drone strikes and a surge in intelligence-gathering operations to support it, […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times The U.S. held him captive for a time in 2004 before an unconditional release put him back into Iraq’s growing Sunni insurgency. … The elusive al-Baghdadi, known then by his nom de guerre, Abu Du’a, would go on to become the most dominant figure in today’s radical Islamic […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon President Barack Obama has authorized targeted killings of the leaders of the Al Qaida offshoot led by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi using drone strikes or special operations, as the Iraqi terrorist on Tuesday urged jihadists to conduct worldwide attacks. A U.S. official familiar with internal Obama administration […]