Remembering Vietnam, its ‘boat people’ and the reasons decent humans hate communism

Remembering Vietnam, its ‘boat people’ and the reasons decent humans hate communism

Special to Dennis Prager Ten years ago, I wrote a column reflecting on my reactions to visiting Vietnam. Given the lack of revulsion to, and even flirtation with, communism (or its more mildly named version, socialism) among many young Americans, it is worth revisiting. It was difficult to control my emotions — specifically, my […]

MacArthur nailed it: ‘There can be no compromise with atheistic communism’

MacArthur nailed it: ‘There can be no compromise with atheistic communism’

Special to By Bill Federer, January 20, 2021 Gen. Douglas MacArthur addressed the Massachusetts State Legislature in Boston, July 25, 1951: It is not of any external threat that I concern myself but rather of insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions — these institutions which formerly we hailed as something […]

Memo to America-hating Left: What did U.S. gain from sacrificing 37,000 soldiers in the Korean War?

Memo to America-hating Left: What did U.S. gain from sacrificing 37,000 soldiers in the Korean War?

Special to Dennis Prager This past week, one of the greatest differences between the Left and Right — both around the world and in America — once again came to light: how each views America. Every year for the past 67 years, the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner has been the major fundraising event for the Connecticut […]