Memo to a stupid, arrogant, ignorant bureaucracy: Don’t touch Alexander Hamilton

Memo to a stupid, arrogant, ignorant bureaucracy: Don’t touch Alexander Hamilton

Special to By Mona Charen They’re coming for our money. OK, that’s nothing new, but this time, the Obama administration is coming for our $10 bills — the notes graced by the image of Alexander Hamilton. True to the identity politics of the Democratic Party, the Obama Treasury Department has announced that some worthy […]

Memo to Republican men: Failing to criticize Hillary because she is a woman is sexist

Memo to Republican men: Failing to criticize Hillary because she is a woman is sexist

Special to By Mona Charen Carly Fiorina is articulate, thoughtful and accomplished. For those who keep track of such things, she was the first woman to lead a Fortune 50 business, and she ran a credible, if unsuccessful, campaign for a U.S. senate seat from California. In the early going of the race for […]

Latest Washington Post paean to abortion may not have the desire effect

Latest Washington Post paean to abortion may not have the desire effect

Special to By Mona Charen Man is not a rational animal. He is a rationalizing animal. — Robert Heinlein What to make of the resolutely pro-choice The Washington Post’s Style section travelogue following a woman who drove 407 miles to obtain a second-trimester abortion? Is this part of the campaign to destigmatize abortion? If […]

Tale of two couples: A GOP governor was jailed for levels of corruption the Clintons would simply ignore

Tale of two couples: A GOP governor was jailed for levels of corruption the Clintons would simply ignore

Special to By Mona Charen In January, Robert F. McDonnell, 71st governor of Virginia, was sentenced to two years in prison followed by two years of supervised release after his conviction on 11 counts of public corruption. He, and especially his wife, behaved badly. But it’s worth taking a closer look at what was […]

Why it’s critically important to fix the Secret Service immediately

Why it’s critically important to fix the Secret Service immediately

Special to By Mona Charen We learned this week that the Secret Service dawdled for an entire year before fixing a broken security system at the home of former President George H. W. Bush. The Secret Service itself is looking pretty broken these days. A few weeks ago, two drunken agents returning from a […]

How Government caused and worsened our financial crisis each step along the way

How Government caused and worsened our financial crisis each step along the way

Special to By Mona Charen Who controls the past controls the future. — George Orwell, “1984” The candidates who are announcing for president will be cheered to know that the Democratic Party has been hemorrhaging popularity the way the housing market lost value in 2008. In 2009, 62 percent of Americans had a favorable […]

Victimhood shock troops ban religious expression (except perhaps for Muslims)

Victimhood shock troops ban religious expression (except perhaps for Muslims)

Special to By Mona Charen “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. — George Washington Until almost literally the day before yesterday, it was universally acknowledged that religious faith and expression were bedrock American freedoms — enshrined in the Constitution, protected in law and […]

Honestly Starbucks? Ok, here goes . . .

Honestly Starbucks? Ok, here goes . . .

Special to By Mona Charen Starbucks is hoping to lead a national conversation about race. According to a video released by founder Howard Schultz, Starbucks baristas are encouraged to scrawl “race together” on coffee cups before placing them in the hands of customers. This hollow bit of moral exhibitionism is supposed to encourage “compassion,” […]

Are ISIL’s hooded monsters evil? We’re worse according to our own professors

Are ISIL’s hooded monsters evil? We’re worse according to our own professors

Special to By Mona Charen President Obama’s scolding of Western civilization at the National Prayer Breakfast (“Lest we get on our high horse…”) may go down in history as the emblematic moment of his presidency. It was atrociously ill timed and characteristically sophomoric. My colleague Jay Nordlinger observed that Obama sounded just like the […]

Who benefits from the Mideast train wreck of the Obama years?

Who benefits from the Mideast train wreck of the Obama years?

Special to By Mona Charen “Cui bono?” Who benefits? It was the question ancient Romans asked when hoping to cut through a fog of possible causes for a problem. As of this morning, U.S. Marines were evacuating Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. We’ve seen this movie before: the bonfires of documents, the hammer blows […]