FPI /July 23, 2019 Analysis by Joe Schaeffer, LibertyNation.com Abortion retail giant Planned Parenthood has struggled of late to find the proper face for public display. The news that it has ousted its president Leana Wen after less than a year on the job showcases the organization’s identity crisis. At the time Wen was brought […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen For decades, I believed that displaying grisly photographs of aborted babies was the wrong way to make the pro-life case. Disturbing images, I thought, would only repel viewers, not persuade them. I now think I was wrong. There are many ways to make an argument. The Center for Medical […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hannibal Lecter ain’t got nothing on the profit-maximizing abortion ghoul caught on tape hawking aborted baby parts as she swilled wine and nibbled on a gourmet salad. In newly released undercover footage from the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, seasoned abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who serves as national senior […]