Special to WorldTribune, November 14, 2017 RushLimbaugh.com RUSH: So let me just ask you point-blank, folks. Do you think that Roy Moore is a creep who did the deed? You do? You do? You do? As of today and after the mall, after the report about the mall, you’re done? I’ve got unanimity in here. […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, May 17, 2017 Here’s what Trump is alleged to have done here vis-a-vis the Comey memo. Comey memo says that Trump asked him to let it go. Let the Flynn investigation go. I can hope you see your way to let this go. He didn’t do […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, March 20, 2017. RUSH: It has not stopped since the 16th of June in 2015, and every day Donald Trump is taking more incoming attacks. … Today, the latest pile on is occurring in congressional hearings. James Comey and Adm. Rogers from the National Security Agency […]
Special to WorldTribune.com RUSH: As somebody who knows about cyber wars and cyber security, how do you, Bill Gertz…? How do you process this stuff? How do you react to it? ‘Cause you know whether some of this stuff is true, legitimate or not. So how do you deal with it yourself? GERTZ: Yeah. This […]
Special to WorldTribune.com RUSH: Phyllis Schlafly passed away, the mother of conservatism, if you will. … I remember Phyllis Schlafly was tough. Phyllis Schlafly was demanding. When it came to the principles of conservatism, she harbored no infiltrators. She harbored nobody insincere about it, and she was able to identify those who were trying to […]
So how does the budget deal pave the way for Hillary Clinton? Folks, it’s real simple. Over half of any Republican candidate’s campaign arsenal has just been neutered. The Republican Party cannot campaign by running around blaming the Democrats for destroying budget, for overspending, for threatening the very fabric economically of the country. They can’t […]