Special to WorldTribune.com By Larry Elder On June 19, also known as Juneteenth, the celebration of the end of slavery in the United States, we released our film, “Uncle Tom.” It follows a young, black, Christian contractor, Chad Johnson, who was a long-time Democrat until challenged by a fellow Christian to read the platforms of […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager If you are a Jew or Christian in America, the seriousness of your Judaism or Christianity is now being tested. People look back in time and wonder how religious people, especially religious leaders — specifically, the clergy — could have failed in times of moral crisis. The failure of most […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager “Do not follow the majority to do evil.” — Exodus 23:2. When I went to yeshiva day schools, America was celebrated. America was regarded, in the description of Menachem Schneerson (the Lubavitcher rebbe), the most influential rabbi of the 20th century, as a “medina shel chesed” — “a country of […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore The crisis of the coronavirus-induced economic lockdown and now the violent protests in the streets have unleashed a depression-level financial crisis and unprecedented human suffering — especially in our inner cities. These events have also exposed a Grand Canyon-sized chasm that now separates how the Left and the right […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Virtually every conservative in America knows the title of this column is true. Virtually every leftist knows it, too, but lying for the cause is what the Left does (think “Russian collusion”). And those liberals who have become increasingly indistinguishable from leftists know it’s probably true but won’t say so […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Dear law-abiding Americans: You have done nothing wrong. Being white is not a crime. Being a Trump voter is not a crime. Being a police officer sworn to “protect and serve” every day is not a crime. Being a non-white police officer proud to uphold and enforce law and […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin This Mother’s Day weekend, my family defied government pandemania. We drove out east from Colorado Springs to the tiny town of Calhan for a lovely little hike in the purple-and-gold-hued Paint Mines archeological district. Unmasked, we basked in the sunshine, fresh air and freedom. The park was teeming with […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore Usually, when a CEO severely underperforms peers, he or she is fired or handed a gold watch and given a quick retirement party. In the Democratic Party, a rotten performance is a qualification for the presidency. I’m referring to the bizarre infatuation inside Democratic circles with New York Gov. […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager In a recent “Fireside Chat,” my weekly talk show on the PragerU platform, I commented on society’s increasing fixation on being “safe.” The following is a condensed version of what I said: We have a meme up at PragerU: “‘Until it’s safe’ means ‘never.’” The pursuit of “safe” over virtually […]