What would Nixon do about Russia’s moves on Ukraine?

Ben Stein, American Spectator

Whatever one may think of Richard Nixon, even his harshest critics usually would concede his foreign policy genius. By opening up China, surrounding the Soviet Union, making peace possible between Israel and Egypt, signing the first significant arms control treaty with the Soviets, and ending the war in Vietnam, Nixon made the world a far more peaceful place. …
RNandLeonidWhat would Nixon do now? …. What would he do about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia by a plebiscite at bayonet’s point? I don’t know and he’s not talking. But based on a lifetime of study of RN and his mind, I offer these guesses on what he would do:
1. He would stop making empty threats about costs and penalties. …
2. He would realize that we have disarmed far too much in a dangerous world. Nixon was a fan of a strong military and also was not afraid of making people pay their share. He would ask for a 10 percent income tax surcharge for the next five years with the proceeds to go to beefing up the military. This is the kind of signal that the world is waiting for and that Putin understands. RN would know that right now is the exactly worst possible time to even consider cuts in defense in any area.
3. Nixon would call for an end to the kowtow to Russia on missile defense. …
4. Nixon would call for the end of the era of wishful thinking in foreign affairs and defense. No relaxation of sanctions on Iran until they denuclearize their country. …


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