Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth, 96, revives gloomy Britain

Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth, 96, revives gloomy Britain

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler It was time to celebrate! The 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne in 1952 makes her the longest serving Monarch in British history. Thus, the grandly named Platinum Jubilee has not only dazzled the country with its Royal Pomp and circumstance, but as importantly invigorated […]

Having blinked during Trump era, Kim Jong-Un punctuates Biden’s Asia visit with ICBM launch

Having blinked during Trump era, Kim Jong-Un punctuates Biden’s Asia visit with ICBM launch

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler North Korea has been making a lot of noise, but few seemed to notice.  Kim Jong-Un’s reclusive communist regime has fired off  23 missiles since the beginning of the year to the yawns of world opinion.  So, is another North Korean missile showdown creeping up to surprise the […]

‘Breadbasket’ no more: Ukrainians and populations of Lebanon, Somalia, Mali hit by food shortages

‘Breadbasket’ no more: Ukrainians and populations of Lebanon, Somalia, Mali hit by food shortages

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler “If we do not feed people, we feed conflict,” warned UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres addressing an urgent Summit on Food security in the wake of the ongoing Ukraine war. “Global hunger levels are at a new high.  In just two years, the number of severely food insecure […]

Overshadowed by Ukraine’s war, Syria’s tragedy remains greatest humanitarian crisis

Overshadowed by Ukraine’s war, Syria’s tragedy remains greatest humanitarian crisis

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler Our world is beset by unthinkable tragedy; brash military aggression, widening instability and grinding humanitarian suffering. We know the places ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, yet governments and relief agencies face overwhelming crisis fatigue as we lurch from Kabul to Kyiv in less than six months.  Cause, effect, […]

Putin’s next moves: From chess to ‘nuclear catastrophe’?

Putin’s next moves: From chess to ‘nuclear catastrophe’?

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler It’s often said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a brilliant chess player. Various geopolitical analysts and Think Tank acolytes somberly assert this “truism” with requisite well stocked bookcases behind them.  Yet has Putin’s war against Ukraine, started during the Winter, proved a stroke of genius by the […]

Moment of truth for the UN Security Council: Could the 21st century see WWIII?

Moment of truth for the UN Security Council: Could the 21st century see WWIII?

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler Many people ask, “What’s the UN been doing to stop the Ukraine war?” That’s a fair question given that the conflict has been raging more than two months creating Europe’s most costly  conflict and humanitarian crisis since WWII. So where is the UN or more specifically Secretary General […]

Not ‘back in the USSR’: Vermonters no longer harbor warm and fuzzy feelings for Moscow

Not ‘back in the USSR’: Vermonters no longer harbor warm and fuzzy feelings for Moscow

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler Bennington, VT — Some will smirkingly label the policy showdown as the Mouse that Roared. But in a small but significant step to condemn the ongoing war in Ukraine, the state of Vermont has taken steps, which in the words of Gov. Phil Scott, respond to what he […]

French election countdown: Macron vs Le Pen; Davos vs farmers markets

French election countdown: Macron vs Le Pen; Davos vs farmers markets

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler France faces a dilemma. Does a successful and prosperous West European state wish to gamble with its future? Or does that state, feeling the popular anxiety from high food and fuel prices, crime and a constricting COVID pandemic, still hold to the status quo? Now with the second […]

At UN 93 nations rebuked Russia, down from 140; Backers increased from 4 to 24

At UN 93 nations rebuked Russia, down from 140; Backers increased from 4 to 24

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler For the third time in a month, the UN General Assembly has resoundingly rebuked Russia for its actions in Ukraine. A tough resolution supported by 93 countries versus 24 backing Moscow, suspended Russia from the Human Rights Council. The move was as overdue as it proved poetic justice to oust […]

Looking East, beyond Ukraine: North Korea exploits a lapse in U.S. leadership

Looking East, beyond Ukraine: North Korea exploits a lapse in U.S. leadership

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler As Ukraine’s conflict churns on, most countries remain fixated on the deadly clash between the Russian invaders and heroically spirited Ukrainian defenders. This war in Europe after all has reawakened political and strategic attention along the old East/West axis. Yet thousands of miles beyond the widening tragedy in […]

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