Russia again rebuked by UN, NATO; Ukraine faces ‘Syria scenario’

Russia again rebuked by UN, NATO; Ukraine faces ‘Syria scenario’

Special to By John J. Metzler The second salvo of diplomatic condemnation slammed into Russia as the UN General Assembly once again soundly and overwhelmingly condemned Moscow’s actions in Ukraine. The first Assembly vote came a few weeks ago condemning the Russian invasion; the second rebuke focused on the humanitarian catastrophe caused by Vladimir […]

The West gets a rude wake up call on energy dependency

The West gets a rude wake up call on energy dependency

Special to By John J. Metzler We knew it was coming. We planned for it. But then we calmly dozed off again. The rude jolt of the alarm followed the news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Our second thought followed; What about our energy supplies? Western Europe, including our NATO allies, have become dangerously […]

Ukraine’s humanitarian exodus is largest since World War II

Ukraine’s humanitarian exodus is largest since World War II

Special to By John J. Metzler Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered a rising tsunami of refugees fleeing their beleaguered homeland and heading for neighboring Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. As the winds of war sweep across the Ukrainian steppe, this growing humanitarian wave of civilians, young and old with legions of children among them, […]

Only 4 back Russia in UN vote; China abstains; USA imports 710,000 barrels of Russian oil daily

Only 4 back Russia in UN vote; China abstains; USA imports 710,000 barrels of Russian oil daily

Special to By John J. Metzler Russia has suffered a stunning political setback from the United Nations as Vladimir Putin pursues his ruthless attack against Ukraine. The diplomatic rebuff came amid Moscow’s widening military aggression on Ukraine which has created widespread civilian casualties and triggered a tragic refugee exodus from the East European country. […]

Ukraine crisis — Brinksmanship to blitzkrieg to . . . ?

Ukraine crisis — Brinksmanship to blitzkrieg to . . . ?

Special to By John J. Metzler Vladimir Putin has rolled the dice. And now he has moved militarily on Ukraine. Significantly, shortly after the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, Putin began his dismemberment of Ukraine in the Donbas then Crimea. Washington watched but did little. It appears that the Russian despot is following the same […]

‘Belt and Road’ advances: Beijing fills void in Argentina created by American ambivalence

‘Belt and Road’ advances: Beijing fills void in Argentina created by American ambivalence

Special to By John J. Metzler For nearly a decade now, China’s “Belt and Road” commercial infrastructure initiative (BRI) has been expanding globally. Usually, and most notably, countries which sign up are poor or unduly dependent on Beijing’s largesse and bulging coffers.  Places like Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan have willingly joined the […]

Should we expect a Sochi replay, this time by China, after Winter Olympics?

Should we expect a Sochi replay, this time by China, after Winter Olympics?

Special to By John J. Metzler The ongoing Beijing Winter Olympics have averted our attention from a possible geopolitical clash of titans. As the Games progress under a mantle of Covid restrictions, controversy over China’s domestic political repression, and yes, the adrenaline thrill of a global sporting event, military forces are gathering in both […]

How Team Biden helped bail out a state sponsor of terrorism at the UN

How Team Biden helped bail out a state sponsor of terrorism at the UN

Special to By John J. Metzler In a truly bizarre twist of international diplomacy which would have baffled even the denizens of Monty Python, the Islamic Republic of Iran whose UN membership dues were in arrears and thus barring the country’s General Assembly voting rights, was figuratively bailed out by an unlikely source, a […]

A mid-winter game of geopolitical chess with Ukraine’s fate hanging in the balance

A mid-winter game of geopolitical chess with Ukraine’s fate hanging in the balance

Special to By John J. Metzler Russian tanks and mechanized infantry are churning dangerously close to Ukraine’s borders. Politicians are in overdrive trying to find new adjectives and soundbites to describe the combustible situation.  Diplomats throughout Europe and the USA are trying to stop the clock on what’s presumed to be Russian President Vladimir […]

Global economic growth faces pandemic and inflationary undertows

Global economic growth faces pandemic and inflationary undertows

Special to By John J. Metzler The global economy is hardly out of the woods yet. The resurgent Corona virus pandemic, coupled with labor shortages and an inflationary surge not seen in a generation, have served as an undertow to wider and sustainable economic growth. “The world is now two years into the COVID-19 […]

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