Turkey’s April 16 referendum and Erdogan’s transit from irritant to threat

Turkey’s April 16 referendum and Erdogan’s transit from irritant to threat

Special to WorldTribune.com Analysis by GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs, Ankara There were, by the end of March 2017, growing indications that Turkish President Reçep Tayyip Erdoğan had concrete plans to unleash a new wave of undocumented migrants into the European Union if he failed to win the absolute power he was seeking in the April 16, […]

Report: Saudi deputy crown prince failed to sway Trump White House

Report: Saudi deputy crown prince failed to sway Trump White House

Special to WorldTribune.com By GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Time will tell, but cries of “victory in Washington” by Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohamed bin Salman seemed hollow and perhaps even apocryphal. He needed some sign of success when he emerged from his White House meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump on […]

America first? Setting the stage for Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit with Donald Trump

America first? Setting the stage for Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit with Donald Trump

Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs People’s Republic of China (PRC) President Xi Jinping will make an official visit to Washington, DC, perhaps as soon as April 2017, and it is being planned as a “muscular” demonstration of Beijing’s status, overshadowing all other Asian influences. The PRC team believes […]

Meanwhile in Afghanistan, Taliban has revived and conflict escalation seems likely

Meanwhile in Afghanistan, Taliban has revived and conflict escalation seems likely

Special to WorldTribune.com By Jonathan Alexander Hoffman, Research Associate, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs The security situation in Afghanistan continued to deteriorate rapidly through February 2017, and risked dragging the region and international community into a revived major conflict with no consideration yet being made by Kabul or major external powers as to the possible, or […]

Dominica crisis update: Prime Minister Skerrit struggling for political survival

Dominica crisis update: Prime Minister Skerrit struggling for political survival

Special to WorldTribune.com By GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, seemingly beset by scandals and protests began, on the weekend of Feb. 11-12, to implement his decisive — or perhaps desperate — moves toward consolidating total power in the Caribbean island Commonwealth. But it may be too late to save his government, […]

The unreported Dominica crisis, continued: PM responds but fails to address China ties

The unreported Dominica crisis, continued: PM responds but fails to address China ties

Special to WorldTribune.com By GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has pushed back strongly against attempts to remove him from office over allegations of corruption connected with the sale of Dominican citizenship through the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CBI), which resulted in the arrest internationally of a number of non-Dominicans traveling on […]

Unrest roils Dominica after reports reveal government’s collusion with China, Iran

Unrest roils Dominica after reports reveal government’s collusion with China, Iran

Special to WorldTribune.com GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs, Roseau. U.S. national security officials were, on the night of Feb. 7, trying to determine whether an opening had arisen because of the sudden eruption of political unrest in Dominica to reverse the major diplomatic and intelligence gains of the past decade by the People’s Republic of China […]

Obama’s unreported Pakistan sanctions limit U.S. options for looming Afghanistan crisis

Obama’s unreported Pakistan sanctions limit U.S. options for looming Afghanistan crisis

How the U.S. Trump Administration deals with emerging Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran issues may have been affected by the policies and last-minute sanctions enacted by the outgoing administration. Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs As exiled Iranian strategist Dr Assad Homayoun notes: “If Iran switches its allegiances back to […]

Obama’s unprecedented crusade to discredit his successor has strategic consequences

Obama’s unprecedented crusade to discredit his successor has strategic consequences

Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs The outgoing U.S. Barack Obama Administration and its supporters embarked on a campaign to traduce and challenge the incoming Administration of President Donald J. Trump in the hope that it would find it difficult to govern effectively. This may be unprecedented in U.S. […]

Obama’s unprecedented bid to undercut president-elect said to sacrifice U.S. interests

Obama’s unprecedented bid to undercut president-elect said to sacrifice U.S. interests

Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory R. Copley, Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Year-end 2016 saw something never before publicly witnessed in the U.S. political scene: a most direct and open attempt by an outgoing U.S. Administration to damage and limit the prospects of a newly-elected incoming Administration in such a way that U.S. global strategic […]