Abortion survivor’s riveting testimony that the big media deemed non-newsworthy

Special to WorldTribune.com

Gianna Jessen, whose life was the inspiration for the film “October Baby,” told the House Judiciary Committee last week how she survived 18 hours of being burned in her mother’s womb at a Planned Parenthood clinic in California. Her experience proves that God’s will is stronger than her biological mother’s “right to choose,” she said.

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, has come under fire in recent months thanks to investigative videos from the Center of Medical Progress. Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen explained that her mother was seven-and-a-half months pregnant when she went to Planned Parenthood and was advised to get an abortion.

Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen was the inspiration for the new film, 'October's Baby'.
Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen was the inspiration for the new film, ‘October’s Baby’.

Jessen stated that the 18 hours she spent burning in her mother’s womb as a doctor attempted a late-term saline abortion should have killed her just as the procedure has killed countless other babies.

However, it was with God’s will that she was born alive in the early hours on the morning of April 6, 1977 and two nurses called for an ambulance to take her scarred infant body to receive medical help.

“This method of abortion burns the baby inside and out, blinding and suffocating the child, who is then born dead usually within 24 hours. This is what I survived. Instead of dying, after 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive,” Jessen explained. “My medical records state, ‘Born alive during saline abortion – 6 a.m.’

“Victory!” Jessen exclaimed with a laugh. “The abortionist was not at work yet. Had he been there, he would have ended my life with strangulation, suffocation and leaving me there to die.”

Jessen was later diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy due to the lack of oxygen during the abortion attempt.

“I was never supposed to hold up my head and walk, I do,” Jessen said. “Cerebral Palsy, ladies and gentlemen, is a tremendous gift to me.”

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