How the Left defines Evil: Why ‘God’ and the ‘Bible’ are verboten

How the Left defines Evil: Why ‘God’ and the ‘Bible’ are verboten

Special to Dennis Prager At PragerU, we have released about 400 videos on virtually every subject outside of the natural sciences and math. Along with 2 billion views, the videos have garnered tens of thousands of comments. So we have a pretty good handle on what people most love and most hate. For example, […]

Fake families: How our legal system is aiding and abetting human trafficking

Fake families: How our legal system is aiding and abetting human trafficking

Special to By Michelle Malkin Who remembers the hysterical sound and fury of open borders leftists last summer over President Donald Trump’s detention and enforcement policies at our besieged southern border? Remember the #FamiliesBelongTogether, #WhereAreTheChildren, #AbolishICE and #MeltICE hashtags? Remember the “Trump Child Abuse,” “Free the Children,” “Save the Children” and “AMERICANS DON’T USE […]

‘Traumatized’ liberals aim for removal of Jefferson statue, Washington mural

‘Traumatized’ liberals aim for removal of Jefferson statue, Washington mural

Special to WorldTribune, May 5, 2019 FPI, Free Press International The Left’s attack on history is expanding well beyond the removal of Confederate statues. To some students at Hofstra University, Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, represents a “culture of bias and discrimination.” The students are demanding a statue of Jefferson be removed […]

Remember the post-Trump economic ‘disaster’ predicted by the NY Times’ Krugman?

Remember the post-Trump economic ‘disaster’ predicted by the NY Times’ Krugman?

Special to By Larry Elder Many “experts” expected, predicted and warned of instant economic disaster under a Donald Trump presidency. But a funny thing happened on our way to economic oblivion. The economy took off. Former President Barack Obama presided over the worst economic recovery since 1949. He became the first president to preside […]

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