Yes, Weinstein accusers are brave — so were Jones, Willey and Broaddrick

Yes, Weinstein accusers are brave — so were Jones, Willey and Broaddrick

Special to By Larry Elder In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among others, praised the Weinstein accusers for their “courage.” For decades, Weinstein, a big Democratic donor who could make or break Hollywood careers, apparently preyed on young women. Over 30 women have now come forth, […]

Why Judge Roy Moore resonates: Country’s moral crisis clear to many outside Washington

Why Judge Roy Moore resonates: Country’s moral crisis clear to many outside Washington

Special to By Star Parker To the dismay of Washington’s Republican Senate leadership, Judge Roy Moore crushed Luther Strange in the runoff for the Republican nomination for the open Senate seat in Alabama, outpolling Strange by 9 percentage points. Senate Republican leadership, and President Trump, stood behind Strange. The Republican establishment doesn’t want their […]

Shame on the NFL: Players who protest National Anthem are a disgrace

Shame on the NFL: Players who protest National Anthem are a disgrace

Special to By Brittany Jennings, September 18, 2017 Sundays are usually for God, family and football. Not anymore. Thanks to Colin Kaepernick, a trend has taken over professional football. Player after player, team after team, is kneeling during the National Anthem. The American people, however, are sick of it. They have taken a stand […]

Don’t be confused: There’s nothing liberal about the Left

Don’t be confused: There’s nothing liberal about the Left

Special to Dennis Prager What is the difference between a leftist and a liberal? Answering this question is vital to understanding the crisis facing America and the West today. Yet few seem able to do it. I offer the following as a guide. Here’s the first thing to know: The two have almost nothing […]

Dream a little DREAM of . . . ME, ME, ME

Dream a little DREAM of . . . ME, ME, ME

Special to By Michelle Malkin Over and over again, from the mouths of politicians in both parties, identity politics purveyors and cheap labor lobbyists, we hear the same refrains about President Obama’s 800,000 amnestied illegal alien youths: “They don’t deserve to be punished.” “They deserve protection.” “They deserve the American dream.” Deserve, deserve, deserve. […]

Sympathy for the Devil: America’s Left demonizes those who fight evil

Sympathy for the Devil: America’s Left demonizes those who fight evil

Special to Dennis Prager All my life, I have known this rule about people: Those who don’t fight the greatest evils will fight lesser evils or make-believe evils. This happens to be the morally defining characteristic of the Left. During the Cold War, many liberals and nearly all conservatives fought communism, but the Left […]

2017 America: The Bolshevik-style cultural purge honors Marx, Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Hitler

2017 America: The Bolshevik-style cultural purge honors Marx, Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Hitler

Special to By Ileana Johnson, Fairfax Free Citizen If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see? – Mad Hatter, character […]

The great statue crusade: What about the Kennedy brothers?

The great statue crusade: What about the Kennedy brothers?

Special to By Larry Elder As we rewrite history and remove Confederate monuments deemed “offensive” when viewed through the prism of contemporary standards of morality, reasonable people ask: Where does one draw the line? The Left, for example, reveres the Kennedy brothers, John, Robert and Edward. But if evaluated by today’s standards of social […]

NY Times: Red, then and now, with all the fake news it can fit in print

NY Times: Red, then and now, with all the fake news it can fit in print

Special to By Michelle Malkin Newsflash from The New York Times: Women may have starved under socialist regimes, but their orgasms were out of this world! That’s the creepy gist of one of the Grey Lady’s recent essays this summer hailing the “Red Century.” The paper’s ongoing series explores “the history and legacy of […]

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