Pandemic fanaticism is making our kids sick: Give them hugs and let them play

Pandemic fanaticism is making our kids sick: Give them hugs and let them play

Pandemic fanaticism is making our kids sick: Give them hugs and let them play Special to By Michelle Malkin I still can’t get over the creepy spectacle of Dr. Marc Siegel, a New York University professor of medicine, vehemently hawking “No Hugs Please” buttons for all schoolchildren last week. “Let’s give our kids all […]

Moynihan is still right: Married fathers matter, case closed

Moynihan is still right: Married fathers matter, case closed

Special to By Larry Elder America has witnessed months of civil unrest in cities around America following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Many of the protesters decry income and net worth “inequality.” But the most serious “inequality” is the unequal percentage of fathers in Black households, a phenomenon that has been encouraged […]

Loving your neighbor: A 1904 book that resonates in 2020

Loving your neighbor: A 1904 book that resonates in 2020

Special to WorldTribune, August 12, 2020 By Lois Lindstrom Given the combination of the coronavirus and unchecked rioting in many American cities in 2020, many Americans would enjoy stepping back in time to 1904 when Swedish writer, Selma Lagerlöf published her inspirational book, Christ Legends and Other Stories, in which she ultimately became the first […]

Fact check: Yes, the mob is in fact coming for you

Fact check: Yes, the mob is in fact coming for you

Special to By Michelle Malkin COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. — In June, America’s mass media propaganda machine endangered the public by spreading insidious “disinformation” — while purporting to debunk “disinformation.” The New York Times, NBC News, CNN and the Associated Press converged nine weeks ago to persuade readers and viewers that neither antifa rioters nor […]

America and Israel: The two nations most hated by the Left

America and Israel: The two nations most hated by the Left

Special to Dennis Prager What are the two most hated countries in the world? America and Israel. Who hates both America and Israel? The Left (and Islamists). And why is that? Why does the Left (not liberals, the Left) hate America and Israel? In “Why the Jews; The Reason for Antisemitism,” a book I […]

One nation under anarcho-tyranny: Men in blue? They’re working for the mob

One nation under anarcho-tyranny: Men in blue? They’re working for the mob

Special to By Michelle Malkin The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now. One nation under God? Ha. Land of the free? Ha. Domestic tranquility? Ha. Equal protection under the law? Ha. The right to bear arms? Ha. Freedom of speech? Association? Peaceable assembly? Ha. Ha. Ha. It’s […]

Consider this, ‘pandemic control freaks’: Mask mandates are a public health menace

Consider this, ‘pandemic control freaks’: Mask mandates are a public health menace

Special to By Michelle Malkin Jared Polis, the Democratic governor of Colorado, thinks those of us who oppose scientifically dubious, constitutionally suspect and dangerously overbroad face mask mandates are “selfish bastards.” I think Polis is a pandering pandemic control freak endangering public health, safety, and sanity. There. Now that the name-calling is out of […]

‘America is a racist country’, right? Wrong: 5 arguments

‘America is a racist country’, right? Wrong: 5 arguments

Special to Dennis Prager The left-wing charge that America is a racist country is the greatest national libel since the Blood Libel against the Jews. America is, in fact, the least racist multiracial, multiethnic country in world history. Neither the claim that America is a racist society nor the claim that it is the […]

If America is so racist, why are there so many race hoaxes?

If America is so racist, why are there so many race hoaxes?

Special to Dennis Prager As I wrote nearly three years ago: “Perhaps the second greatest libel — and certainly the most widespread — is that America is a racist country that oppresses its minorities and women. We can call it the American Libel.” (The greatest libel was the infamous blood libel, the fabricated charge […]

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