Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin For nearly 20 years, I’ve reported on America’s medical welcome mat for chronically sick illegal aliens. Under a 1986 federal law, “unauthorized immigrants” with conditions such as kidney disease and cancer cannot be denied emergency room care, regardless of their immigration status or inability to pay. Open-borders politicians insist […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Attention, parents: If your children are online, they are being bombarded by an inescapable public relations campaign by all the Bigs — Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Tech — to brainwash them about the COVID vaccine. While children under 18 remain at the lowest risk of COVID-19, peer […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Twenty years ago, when I was pregnant with my first child, I transformed into a total health nut. A lifelong couch potato, I started exercising, enrolled in Lamaze classes and even took vitamins for the first time. I halted my consumption of caffeine, Doritos, Spam and sushi. After decades […]
Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager I should state at the outset that were it not for doctors, I would either be paralyzed or dead. I owe my mobility and probably my life to wonderful physicians. However, I will now state with equal certitude that the American medical profession as a whole and many individual doctors […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin “Truly striking.” “Tremendous.” “Extraordinary.” “Miraculous.” “A great day for science and humanity.” Those are just a few of the hyperbolic responses from government health officials and Big Pharma cheerleaders to preliminary COVID vaccine trial data released by Pfizer and Moderna this past week. If it all sounds too good […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Dear skeptical Americans: You have every right and reason to be hesitant about rolling up your sleeves and submitting to flu vaccine jabs this year. The public health-industrial complex bureaucrats who have flip-flop-flipped on universal mask-wearing during this COVID-19 chaos are the same ones now pushing universal flu shots. […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Jared Polis, the Democratic governor of Colorado, thinks those of us who oppose scientifically dubious, constitutionally suspect and dangerously overbroad face mask mandates are “selfish bastards.” I think Polis is a pandering pandemic control freak endangering public health, safety, and sanity. There. Now that the name-calling is out of […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin This Mother’s Day weekend, my family defied government pandemania. We drove out east from Colorado Springs to the tiny town of Calhan for a lovely little hike in the purple-and-gold-hued Paint Mines archeological district. Unmasked, we basked in the sunshine, fresh air and freedom. The park was teeming with […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin I think I’m where most sane people are on the coronavirus outbreak: —Concerned but not panicked. —Calm but not apathetic. —Taking reasonable precautions but remaining skeptical of what all the purportedly “best experts” here in the United States are telling us about every aspect of their belated crisis management […]