Add science to the list of things ruined when touched by the Left

Add science to the list of things ruined when touched by the Left

Special to Dennis Prager More than two years ago, I wrote a column titled “Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins.” I listed eight examples: — The universities. — The arts: music, art and architecture. — Sports. — Mainstream Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism. — Race relations. — Women’s happiness. — Children’s innocence. — And, perhaps […]

Memo to nature cultists: ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it’

Memo to nature cultists: ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it’

Special to Dennis Prager A statement widely attributed to the great British thinker G. K. Chesterton describes the modern period as perfectly as any single idea can: “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything.” One of these substitute gods has been nature. Indeed, of all the […]

Trust but verify: U.S. kept close watch over North Korea at Christmas

Trust but verify: U.S. kept close watch over North Korea at Christmas

Special to WorldTribune, December 30, 2019 Known for tracking Santa Clause in the wee hours of Christmas, the United States fielded four surveillance planes over the Korean peninsula Wednesday, according to aviation sources cited by South Korea’s Yonhap news agency. North Korea had threatened a “Christmas gift” if the U.S. failed to make concessions in […]

Huawei unveils Google Android killer?

Huawei unveils Google Android killer?

Special to WorldTribune, August 13, 2019 By Scott McCollum A friend with close ties to both Silicon Valley and China’s tech scene shared the story about the debut of Huawei’s HarmonyOS last week. As with any news related to China’s largest telecom equipment maker, there will be pointless partisan political sniping about the “why.” Why did Huawei […]

Shutdown could cause you to get lost if navigating by cell phone near the North Pole

Shutdown could cause you to get lost if navigating by cell phone near the North Pole

Special to WorldTribune, January 17, 2019 The north magnetic pole is in constant flux, influenced by the movements of iron-rich fluids deep below the Earth’s crust. “Or at least that’s the theory — the whole thing is still somewhat of a scientific mystery,” according to The static geographic north pole is what we navigate […]

Early astronomers: ‘Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe’

Early astronomers: ‘Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe’

Special to By Bill Federer, Aug. 25, 2018 The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), made a major contribution to the scientific revolution by discovering that the planets revolved, not around the Earth, but around the Sun. Copernicus, who had a doctorate in cannon (church) law, wrote: “The Universe, wrought for us by a supremely […]

Techs wanted, Americans need not apply

Techs wanted, Americans need not apply

Special to By Michelle Malkin Last month, there was a national “Day Without a Latino.” This week, the demonstration du jour shutting down schools and shops is a “Day Without a Woman.” Here’s my question for all the virtue-signaling protesters who pay lip service to better jobs and wages: Where’s your awareness-raising event for […]

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