Porn and ‘World of Warcraft’ video games ‘digitally rewire’ boys, cause ‘manhood meltdown’

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A distinguished psychologist has argued in a recently published book that pornography and video games are leading young men into alarmingly high rates of “social isolation” and a “modern meltdown of manhood.”

Unreal virtual reality. / Thomas Peter / Reuters
Unreal virtual reality. / Thomas Peter / Reuters

Dr. Philip Zimbardo, former president of the American Psychological Association and author of over 50 books, has stated that the two sources of online entertainment are harming young men mentally.

Zimbardo recently told the BBC that pornography and online video games like “World of Warcraft” have “digitally rewired” young men’s minds.

“Now, with freely available pornography, which is unique in history, they are combining playing video games, and as a break, watching on average, two hours of pornography a week,” said Zimbardo to BBC.


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