Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell Black journalist Chuck Stone was one of those people whose passing makes us think, “We shall not see his like again.” He was passionately interested in racial issues but he was never a race hustler. He followed nobody’s party line but called the issues as he saw them. Chuck […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin I have created a new species designation for the female Democrats who play hypocritical gender politics on behalf of Barack Obama. They’re genderhawks. You remember the term “chickenhawk,” don’t you? During the Bush years, anti-war activists and journalists hurled the ad hominem epithet at anyone who supported military action […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Thomas Sowell The recent Supreme Court decision over-ruling some Federal Election Commission restrictions on political campaign contributions has provoked angry reactions on the left. That is what often happens whenever the High Court rules that the First Amendment means what it says — free speech for everybody. When the Supreme Court […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen “The conservative minds of the Heritage Foundation have found a way for Republicans to shrink the gender gap: They need to persuade more women to get their MRS degrees.” So wrote the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank about a panel that featured Mollie Hemingway, Karin Agness and yours truly. It […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Dennis Prager As I have often noted, the most dynamic and influential religion of the past hundred years has not been Christianity, let alone Judaism, the two religions that created the Western world. Nor has it been Islam. It has been Leftism. Leftism has influenced the literary, academic, media, and, therefore, […]