New York’s ‘progressive’ mayor boldly takes on non-existent problems

New York’s ‘progressive’ mayor boldly takes on non-existent problems

Special to By Thomas Sowell New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, like so many others who call themselves “progressive,” is gung-ho to solve social problems. In fact, he is currently on a crusade to solve an educational problem that doesn’t exist, even though there are plenty of other educational problems that definitely do exist. […]

Not-so-fun summer reruns at Martha’s Vineyard

Not-so-fun summer reruns at Martha’s Vineyard

Click on Image for High Resolution, In a January interview with the New Yorker, President Barack Obama dismissed Al Qaida-linked militants in Iraq and Syria as junior varsity basketball players: “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make […]

Turns out the lobbyists Obam vilified are now his ‘consultants’ and ‘advisers’

Turns out the lobbyists Obam vilified are now his ‘consultants’ and ‘advisers’

Special to By Michelle Malkin Wonder of wonders: The Washington press corps woke up. Finally, mainstream journalists are onto Barack Obama’s game. Their breaking-news shocker? Turns out all that “hope and change” stuff was just hot air. A new report from the D.C.-based press shows that — gasp — the White House is infested […]

Obama blames Bush for leaving no troops in Iraq; Rebuked Romney for advocating continued presence

Obama blames Bush for leaving no troops in Iraq; Rebuked Romney for advocating continued presence

Special to Washington Times At the White House on Saturday morning — less than 48 hours after authorizing airstrikes against Islamist militants and humanitarian air drops to save the lives of trapped Iraqi civilians — President Obama blamed his predecessor, George W. Bush, for the absence of American troops in Iraq and rejected the […]

Time to cut Palestinians from the UNRWA umbilical cord

Time to cut Palestinians from the UNRWA umbilical cord

Special to By Mona Charen The United Nations plays a supporting role in every war between Hamas and Israel. U.N. spokesmen routinely issue statements, accusations and denials about everyone’s conduct, including their own (most recently they had to account for why they returned rockets, discovered in a U.N. school, to Hamas). Israel was denounced […]