Why the Left doesn’t care about bad economic news: Take California, please

Why the Left doesn’t care about bad economic news: Take California, please

Special to WorldTribune.com By Dennis Prager Most conservatives, and just about all independents, have a huge misperception of the left. They think that the gulf between conservatism and leftism is primarily about means, not goals. This perception is wrong. It is their goals that are irreconcilable. And until conservatives, independents and the Republican Party understand […]

The botched execution in Oklahoma: What was reported, and what wasn’t

The botched execution in Oklahoma: What was reported, and what wasn’t

Special to WorldTribune.com By Dennis Prager Last week, Oklahoma authorities botched the execution of a murderer named Clayton Lockett. The execution by lethal injection took more than 40 minutes. According to witnesses, he twitched and gasped and said, “oh, man” after officials had thought he was unconscious. Opponents of the death penalty outdid one another […]

Who created the rape culture? The Left deserves credit

Who created the rape culture? The Left deserves credit

Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen “Two, four, six, eight. Stop the violence. Stop the rape,” so chanted a group of Ohio University students calling themselves “f—rapeculture” at a protest a couple of years ago. Rape culture activists have become a fixture on campuses throughout the country, and now, 55 colleges — including Harvard, Princeton […]

How’s that ‘settled science’ working? Pass the butter!

How’s that ‘settled science’ working? Pass the butter!

Special to WorldTribune.com By Mona Charen The headline looks like a hoax — saturated fat does not cause heart disease — but it’s real. This news is more than just another example of changing health guidelines; it’s a cautionary tale about trusting the scientific consensus. For more than 50 years, the best scientific minds in […]

Gosnell: The movie Hollywood won’t make, but you can

Gosnell: The movie Hollywood won’t make, but you can

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hannibal Lecter. Freddy Kreuger. Jason Voorhees. Charles Manson. Jeffrey Dahmer. Ted Bundy. Hollywood loves a homicidal monster. But what happens when an evil being exposes the monstrosities of malign government neglect and deadly ideology? Crickets. Tinseltown couldn’t conjure a bigger nightmare than true-life Philadelphia serial killer Kermit Gosnell. He […]

Where’s the shame? Hollywood’s sexual predator problem explodes

Where’s the shame? Hollywood’s sexual predator problem explodes

Special to WorldTribune.com By Michelle Malkin Hollywood is sick, sick, sick. Behind its curtain of holier-than-thou progressivism, the entertainment world’s top A-list stars have engaged in the most depraved sexual abuse against vulnerable children and teens, according to a growing number of victims. After years of cover-up, the institutional scandal is exploding. Finally. The latest […]

Fifth-grader commanded: Thou shalt not read the Bible

Fifth-grader commanded: Thou shalt not read the Bible

Special to WorldTribune.com Officials at Broward County Public Schools banned a fifth grader from reading the Bible during “free reading” time, according to lawyers from the Liberty Institute who are threatening to sue the school for violating the First Amendment. Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible […]

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