Graham faults parents whose ‘children are allowed to go wild’

Graham faults parents whose ‘children are allowed to go wild’

Special to World renowned evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, the founder and chairman of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said that our children are growing up in a “lawless and wicked age,” infused with the “philosophy of the Devil, who says, ‘Do as you please.’” … Further, rearing children in this culture is difficult because […]

One more beheaded American, one more White House explanation

One more beheaded American, one more White House explanation

Special to By Mona Charen The Islamic State [Islamic State of Iraq and Levant] beheaded another American this week. The Obama administration’s response revealed its stubborn determination to deny reality. Peter Kassig was a former Army Ranger and emergency medical technician who was moved by the suffering of Syria’s civilians and returned to the […]

Simple truth: Poor character, not poverty, causes crime

Simple truth: Poor character, not poverty, causes crime

Special to Dennis Prager One of the first clues that this Columbia-educated, liberal, Democrat, New York Jew had that there was something wrong at the heart of progressive/left-wing thought was when I read and was taught over and over that “poverty causes crime.” I knew from the first that this was dogma, not truth. […]

Army to oust combat pilot who tried to stop lesbian episode at dance

Army to oust combat pilot who tried to stop lesbian episode at dance

Special to Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times The Army is moving to discharge a decorated combat pilot who intervened to stop two lesbian officers from showing what he considered inappropriate affection on the dance floor during a full-dress formal ball at Fort Drum, New York, in 2012. Lt. Col. Christopher Downey, who was once assigned […]

European probe lands successfully on comet 67P

European probe lands successfully on comet 67P

Special to Rosetta’s probe, Philae, has successfully landed on its comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. After a daring seven-hour descent, the probe has made space history by becoming the firstever craft to land on a comet. … However, while the lander has touched down on the comet using its harpoons, scientists said that it had not yet […]