Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore America’s domestic energy producers are under siege. The price of oil fell to below $5 a barrel on Monday, down from roughly $50 a barrel a year ago. This 90% drop in price is sending nearly the entire oil and gas industry into bankruptcy. What is going on here? […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore Is it possible that Donald Trump is winning on trade? Last week, Trump apparently delivered two underappreciated victories as a result of his threat of stiff tariffs and renegotiated trade deals. First, Seoul has agreed to reduce long-standing non-tariff trade barriers that have reduced American exports to Korea. Though […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore Hillary Clinton keeps bashing the Trump tax plan as “trumped-up trickle-down economics.” This class-warfare card has become the standard and tired response to every Republican tax reform plan for 30 years. No wonder we haven’t cleaned out the stables of the tax code since the Reagan era. Democrats have […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore Someone might want to inform Hillary Clinton that greed and envy are two of the seven deadly sins. Her new revised tax plan would raise the estate tax to as high as 65 percent — up from 40 percent, where it is today. She would also apply this hated […]
Special to WorldTribune.com By Stephen Moore What makes America an economically ingenious place is the competitive federalism model set forth by our Founding Fathers. They established our nation as the world’s largest ever free trade zone, in which 50 states use varying economic and fiscal policies to compete for jobs and people. And boy, have […]