by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2019 The current state of health insurance and regulations in the United States has physicians so stressed that nearly half are considering changing careers while two-thirds would recommend against pursuing a career in medicine, a study found. The Aimed Alliance also found that nearly nine in ten doctors believe barriers […]
Special to By Michelle Malkin Cue the funeral bagpipes. My fourth health insurance plan is dead. Two weeks ago, my husband and I received yet another cancellation notice for our private, individual health insurance coverage. It’s our fourth Obamacare-induced obituary in four years. Our first death notice, from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, […]
Special to By Stephen Moore Back in 1996, a Republican Congress and a Democratic president (Bill Clinton) enacted one of the most historic bipartisan policy victories in modern times: the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act for welfare reform. The passage of that bill has so many parallels to the fight over the […]
Special to By Stephen Moore It’s finally official. The Affordable Care Act is a public-policy flop of epic proportions. That’s the only possible conclusion from the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City announcement last week that it will drop out of many markets in Kansas and Missouri. The firm lost $100 million under […]
Special to By Stephen Moore By now, everyone knows that Obamacare is the public-policy flop of this generation. With the latest news of premiums increasing 22 percent, insurance companies dropping out, rising taxes and less completion, this is truly the Hindenburg of health plans. But there is another part of the story that needs […]
Special to By Mona Charen Jonathan Gruber, sage of MIT and proud champion of the Affordable Care Act, may well have had the worst year in American public life. His repeated demonstrations of arrogance, contempt for the American people and smug self-satisfaction brought mortification to his party and president. His glib references to the […]
Special to By Thomas Sowell Pundits are pointing to President Barack Obama’s recent decline in public opinion polls, and saying that he may now become another “lame duck” president, unable to accomplish much during his final term in office. That has happened to other presidents. But it is extremely unlikely to happen to this […]
Special to Michael Goodwin, New York Post If you think of the United States of America as a store, its recent decisions and scandals resemble a sale, perhaps a fire sale. Or maybe even a “Going Out of Business” sale. The list of dramatic markdowns is breathtaking. They include trading away five murderous terrorists […]