by WorldTribune Staff, April 28, 2019 Humans have been slow to appreciate the danger of climate change, but fortunately advanced aliens are on the scene and will save the day, an Oxford University professor claims. Aliens have not only arrived on planet Earth but are breeding with less intelligent humans to create a hybrid species […]
Special to Dennis Prager Nothing keeps me religious more than the Left, not even religion itself. I am not even particularly “spiritual.” My religiosity is overwhelmingly rational (the title of my Bible commentary is “The Rational Bible”). I believe in God because creation rationally suggests a Creator. The force that has most propelled me […]
by WorldTribune Staff, March 21, 2019 Is it possible for two versions of reality to exist at the same time? Indeed it is – at the quantum level – physicists say. Of course political scientists can attest that the election of President Donald Trump has produced a proof of the hypothesis: His supporters and his […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2019 The current state of health insurance and regulations in the United States has physicians so stressed that nearly half are considering changing careers while two-thirds would recommend against pursuing a career in medicine, a study found. The Aimed Alliance also found that nearly nine in ten doctors believe barriers […]
by WorldTribune Staff, January 21, 2019 Six hours of quality sleep per night is the minimum needed to help keep your heart healthy, according to a new study. Chronic lack of sleep and poor sleep quality raise the odds of fatty plaque accumulation in arteries – a condition known as atherosclerosis – which increases the odds of heart attack and stroke, according to the […]
Special to WorldTribune, January 17, 2019 The north magnetic pole is in constant flux, influenced by the movements of iron-rich fluids deep below the Earth’s crust. “Or at least that’s the theory — the whole thing is still somewhat of a scientific mystery,” according to The static geographic north pole is what we navigate […]
Special to By Michelle Malkin One of the world’s most successful brands committed ideological hara-kiri this week. Recognized around the world as a symbol of manly civility for more than a century, Gillette will now be remembered as the company that did itself in by sacrificing a massive consumer base at the altar of […]
CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE: Countdown: Top stories of 2018 by WorldTribune Staff, January 4, 2019 Netflix has warned fans of its hit movie Bird Box against participating in an online challenge inspired by the film in which people attempt to complete tasks while blindfolded. In the movie, which had a record 45 million viewers […]
Special to As secret airbases go, the single runway in the test site’s Area 6 is easily overshadowed by the world’s most famous secret military base, Area 51, a dozen miles northeast. Area 51’s existence was only recently acknowledged, even after decades of speculation by UFO enthusiasts that the aircraft development and test facility […]
Special to [CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION] On a hunch, photographer Laurene Morton drove to Dinosaur Hill Park in Pleasant Hill, California Sunday evening. Sure enough, “a huge crowd was waiting” for the clouds to clear and the total eclipse, on the moon’s closest pass to the Earth. “Everyone’s been talking about” the […]